Smile time on R I

I love dogs and their antics . The love they share so freely with us is unconditional. They are here to help and help us smile through the stressful times.   When we smile our brain releases endorphins -feel good hormones.  Endorphins are the body’s way to get a natural high and relax. So take a few minutes today to […]

The secret to a confident happy you

“Train your breath to flow gently, like a river… To master our breath is to be in control of our bodies and minds. Each time we find ourselves dispersed and find it difficult to gain control of ourselves by different means, the method of watching the breath should always be used.”― Thích Nhất Hạnh Be Confident and Happy Class Series “Catching your […]

Listen to become more confident

“You can be confident & happy” While playing the sounds below, close your eyes and see yourself doing something you aren’t sure you could calmly confidently do. How does it feel to see yourself doing the very thing you thought would never try? Build calm confidence one short experiential step at a time. “If I keep on saying to myself […]

Will You listen to the angel?

“The angel that speaks so gently in your heart nudges you to follow your dreams.” – Mary Wolken 2014         “Love creates the glow in your eyes and a light happy heart that reaches out to help another in need with open arms.” – Mary Wolken 2014 Thanks to YouTube for video Image Healthy Living Center

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