Holiday Relief for Caregivers
Tired mother and her little son in the cooking mode in the kitchen

Lose the holiday overload and blues
My gift to you those that care for others  

Reset the holiday stress. Ready to finally gently unwind some of the overload you are carrying. This is my gift to you.

For more information or to be the first to create a joy-filled holiday this year.

Comment below or email me to sign up or find out more.
Let’s work together this special year to find more peace and health together! Mary Wolken Ph.D. Trauma Reset and Relaxation Specialist.

Imagine – will you join us?

Let us try an experiment that last 1 month

then invite someone to repeat it with you.



Let’s Imagine  each one of us can change the world one vision at a time.

Every day each of us will do and imagine others doing 1 small things and feeling to help each other and all of life.

What will you focus on ?

Please report back after 1 month and let us know of the shifts you have noticed please.

Thank you from Mother Earth and all creatures big and small.

Thanks to and John Lennon

Mediterranean music

Today on Relaxation Island©

Come enjoy a relaxing trip to the sunny Mediterranean islands.

Take time to unwind and refocus before starting a new project or taking a test.

It can increase performance, creativity and peace of mind.

Music courtesy of and Meditation Relax Club


Do not play this while driving or operating equipment or vehicles.

Simply – roll your shoulders

Conscious Freedom

Let’s begin with the shoulders. freedom

Let the shoulders drop into a comfortable position.

Be aware of how you position your shoulders.

We tend to roll our shoulders forward when we focus on a cell phone, work at a desk, do crafts, bike ride, eat or are in a state of shock by a loud noise or trauma.

When we roll the shoulders forward, we constrict our breathing, decreasing the flow of oxygen and blood flow around our entire head and body. Slumping the shoulders, can begin a life time of  troubles with posture, emotional and body stress and strains. by causing more stress on our physical and emotional systems.

When we reverse the roll, it opens our chest so we can clear our lungs and breathe deeper. It creates space to release stuck emotions and gas.

Take a little time and consciously keep those  shoulders moving forward and backwards often throughout the day.

Stop and relax your mind and body.

Let yourself  belly breath and  you will feel like you are living a Relaxation Island© Experience. 


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