Divide and Conquer Painful Pressure




Decrease your confusion and stress

  1. Put 1 open hand palm side down on
    the area right below your Xyphoid process ( solar plexus or CV14) then
  2.  Place your other hand palm down on the area below your navel (CV 4) halfway between your navel and pubic bone
  3.  Breathe deeply 5 times and relax your entire body
  4. Then finish by resting 1 hand on top of the head
  5. Put the other palm side down below your belly button.
  6. .  Breathe deeply 5  times
  7. Return to work breathing more freely and calmly.
Happy and present

 Simply comment below to receive more quick ways to unload the confusion and stress.

or click here



So tired all the time – want relief?
Why am I so tired now?
Covid lockdown seems to be lessening.
People are attempting to mingle in groups again.
our normal thinking brain is still slower than it was before Covid.
The brain works best when it has:
 1. Quality food
 2.  2-4 quarts of purified water,
 3. A calm, happy environment to live and thrive in,
  4. lots of movement and exercise
 5. loving energy interactions
During a crisis…
Hormones shift to crise mode, muscles in gut and brain tighten,  and emotionally one’s nervous system retreats into crisis or survival mode.
What does this mean to be In crisis mode?

**our energy gets redirected to fight or flight mode so there isn’t enough to do all “normal” activities8

***we feel drained, anxious

**on high alert or not quite “with it”

*** eternally sleep deprived..

SO…..  Are you tired of being somewhat less than your best?
What can you do about it?
Let’s do this together. You can begin today at your convenience. Are you in? Click to begin
Feeling imprisoned & overwhelmed by your challenges now?

Feeling like you are imprisoned during these challenging times?         

 Overloaded – overwhelmed with all your added responsibilities?

Do the unexpected new demands on you as a parent, health care providers or vital service industry workers, educators are facing, now is entirely different from the emotions they were experiencing before the pandemic. But are they the same?

The top five emotions were frustrated, overwhelmed, stressed, tired, and happy. The primary source of their frustration and stress pertained to not feeling supported by their administration around challenges related to meeting all of their students’ learning needs, high-stakes testing, an ever-changing curriculum, and work-life balance.

Research findings across the country show that our parents, teachers, health workers, and vital services providers are developing more overwhelm and burn out stress and burnout.  The longer this crisis goes the deeper the overload leading to more frustration and depression.

How can this be changed?  Relief step 1

First of all, thanks for all you are doing.

Second, simply take a moment as many times a day as you need to stay in the moment.

Raise your eyes slightly and bring the first 3 fingers on one of your hands gently together and breathe deeply from your belly.  

Repeat I have everything I need at this moment and I’m grateful.

Repeat frequently throughout the day and night and please report your results here to encourage others.

Decrease bacteria, viruses and fungi with Pure-Light

Shift the health and happiness in a room with a flip of a switch.                                      

Decrease bacteria, viruses, and fungi with Pure-Light 

I am so very impressed with Pure-Light bulbs designed by Rodger Young.

As a therapist and energy medicine specialist, I’ve felt an immediate shift in the energy of the rooms I’ve used these bulbs in. You and those you love and work with deserve all the help they can get to get rid of these devastating cold and flu season. The mood lightens, odors decrease and the air is purifed while you are breathing.

Want to to shorten your cold or flu?jb

The recent bacteriological lab tests for Salmonella, E. coli, and MRSA show an almost complete eliminationn within 72 hours of all three!

This is groundbreaking with huge implications for humanity.   Check out Pure-Light for yourself and family.

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