“Does virtual touch experiment help explain how overwhelm happens?”

According to researchers, the responses to virtual touch occurred 50 to 70 milliseconds later than physical touch, This gap of time is consistent with the timing involved in the pathways linking the areas of the brain responsible for processing visual input to the somatosensory (five senses areas) and motor(movement control areas) cortices.

This shows that somatosensory and motor cortical neurons respond to visual stimuli without actually being physically touched. This ability of cross-functional processing occurs throughout the primate cortex through a highly distributed and dynamic neuronal communication process.

“The brain works like a grid or network that is continuously interacting,” Miguel Nicolelis, M.D., PhD said. “The cortical areas of the brain are processing multiple streams of information at the same time”

Editor’s comment: If brain grid senses and responses to stimuli on and off the body,  this may also explain how sensory overload might confuse and overwhelm a tired brain and emotional taxed system.

Reference: MedicalXpress.com  http://goo.gl/nKXklz

Senior author Miguel Nicolelis, M.D., PhD, professor of neurobiology at Duke University School of Medicine.

“Overwhelm can cause nonepileptic seizures”

Did you realize that continual exhaustion, trauma and excess emotional overload can trigger Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures” (PNES) ?

Practicing stress relieve activities like meditation, martial arts, dancing stretching, laughing, smiling and staying hydrated is vital to maintaining physical and emotional wellness.

“Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures are attacks that look like epileptic seizures, but are not caused by abnormal electrical discharges. They are stress-related or “emotional.” They are sometimes called pseudoseizures, but “psychogenic non-epileptic seizures” (PNES) is now the preferred term.” …PNES, unlike epileptic seizures, are not the result of a physical brain disease. Rather, they are emotional, stress-induced, and result from traumatic psychological experiences, sometimes from the forgotten past. It is well known that emotional or psychological stresses can produce physical reactions in people with no physical illness. – The University of South Florida

Cited http://www.huffingtonpost.com/stress-seizure

Decrease stress on legs, calf and feet muscles

One way to decreaseprostretch-single stress on calf, feet, leg and even hip muscles

and increase muscle flexibility is by doing gentle stretches.

The second way to decrease lower body stress is to stand up and move around every 1/2 hour.

The more pliable a muscle becomes, the less likely you are to injure that muscle.

Many sports injuries and pain can be lessened by improving lower leg strength, balance and flexibility.

Try ProStretch to help increase muscle flexibility, balance and strength.

If you have suffered a lower body injury please Before  using any of these devices please check with your health practitioner before doing any of these exercises or using the ProStretch.

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