Relax day 1 How fit are you?

___ Can you quickly and easily relax? ___Do you suffer from pain? ___ Do you feel overwhelmed? ___Do you think clearly? ___Do you have a clear sharp memory? ___Do you frequently injure yourself/ trip or bump into things? ___Are you living on sugar, “Red Bull” or caffeine- like fixes or chocolate? ___Do you often feel too tired to get out […]

Rebuilding after tragedies

We face many challenges throughout our lives some planned and others a surprise, It’s how we overcome those challenges that shape our health, happiness, and success we achieve in rebuilding our life. A traumatic brain injury (TBI), a sudden death(s) or a debilitating illness are three of the scariest challenges, we will face in our life. Whether it was a […]

Ultimate force in the Universe

Most powerfuWritten by Albert Einstein to his daughter about the most powerful force in the universe. . “When I proposed the theory of relativity, very few understood me, and what I will reveal now to transmit to mankind will also collide with the misunderstanding and prejudice in the world.  strongest I ask you to guard the letters as long as […]

just start

Just go for it Don’t let pain slow you. Don’t let anyone turn you around. Even if you never never saw anyone do it before. Follow your heart’s dream -go for it!   Take the first step. Write it down as a goal. Spend 10 minutes a day learning about it. Follow your heart’s dream. Does it scare you ? […]

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