The cutting edge of energetic care

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Healthy Living Center Services

Working together to help you recover from crises for 50 years.

Specializing in Trauma, TBI, learning challenges recovery using natural gentle therapies

Primary reasons for using Natural Therapies:

  1. Homeopathy and Acupressure (kinesiology) to access and reset energetic imbalances.

Stabilize the physical body by decreasing pain and stress while creating a calm mind, body, and energy.

2.  Using emotional release techniques, counseling, laser light, neuro-kinesiology, proper food, and supplements to support recovery and homeopathy to balance the trauma, while decreasing the pain.

Improve memory, motor skills, speech, and movement

3. Goal: return YOU to health:  physically, mentally, and emotionally as rapidly and gently as possible.:

Feeling imprisoned & overwhelmed by your challenges now?

Feeling like you are imprisoned during these challenging times?         

 Overloaded – overwhelmed with all your added responsibilities?

Do the unexpected new demands on you as a parent, health care providers or vital service industry workers, educators are facing, now is entirely different from the emotions they were experiencing before the pandemic. But are they the same?

The top five emotions were frustrated, overwhelmed, stressed, tired, and happy. The primary source of their frustration and stress pertained to not feeling supported by their administration around challenges related to meeting all of their students’ learning needs, high-stakes testing, an ever-changing curriculum, and work-life balance.

Research findings across the country show that our parents, teachers, health workers, and vital services providers are developing more overwhelm and burn out stress and burnout.  The longer this crisis goes the deeper the overload leading to more frustration and depression.

How can this be changed?  Relief step 1

First of all, thanks for all you are doing.

Second, simply take a moment as many times a day as you need to stay in the moment.

Raise your eyes slightly and bring the first 3 fingers on one of your hands gently together and breathe deeply from your belly.  

Repeat I have everything I need at this moment and I’m grateful.

Repeat frequently throughout the day and night and please report your results here to encourage others.

When pills and Ignoring the pain don’t work

Do you just keep pushing no matter what?                          12187956_10153690251059555_1081941830976389731_o

After your accident or the emotional jolt you experienced, the pain is draining you. You are clear about one thing.

You just want the pain to be gone. BUT you keep pushing, feeling wired and tired, trying to take care of family, work, exercise etc  until…?

Does the exhaustion, sleeplessness, foggy feeling keep draining you?

“Too Busy for Pain”  series is  for you if  you want to:

*Gently eliminate physical and emotional pain.

* Stop living on an emotional roller coaster?

* Stop worrying. 

* Feel the freedom of quickly gently changing pain to calm confident free movement.

Want to learn how to get decrease pain drain rapidly? –click here


Pain -cost of hiding love

The more we hide behind our doubts and fears

the more physical and emotional pain and tiredness increases.unzip heart


Unlock the beauty that is you.  You will be amazes how much less anxiety and pain you will have.

Speak lovingly from your heart and your world will change. Pain is the cost of not letting your heart lead. Want to learn how to stop the pain ?

Leave a comment or share how you overcame the pain of not sharing your real feelings.  Thanks.



Thanks to  Comunidade-Flores-Passaros  and and Tammy Wynette “no charge”

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