Beyond Mindfulness Training Intro

I met some SUPER teachers and staff including Ms Jennifer Ambrosio principal of Bonillas Basic Curriculum Magnet School in Tucson Unified School District and Sarah Niegocki special ed. teacher on Weds. March 9.   Thanks so much for letting me have such a heart felt fun experience sharing “Beyond Mindfulness” with the staff and you at our in service on […]

Feel the magic of the Dolphin Energy

Do you need a time out? Take a few minutes today with a dolphin and a dog. Before watching this video write down how you are feeling (tired, uneasy, in pain…) Rate how strong the feel is  on scale of 1 to 10 . (10  being the worst)  Now check out the video. After the video write down how you […]

Mindfully move toward the light

Take a moment to move closer to the stars within *Relax * Breathe deeply of the Universe of light that surrounds you. Feel your heart lighten. Whether you physically at the end of your day move up a physical path to take in the stars or simply focus your attention on this moving stairway imagine you are filling yourself with […]

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