Using photon light to heal
Brain Training- a new way to learn


Gift that keeps on giving                                                                     

  • The new You

    Using photon light to heal

  • Finding You can be fun

  • Learn how you release your hidden clitches that slow your progress :

  • Stress can be relieved by relaxing

  • Pain can be decreased instantly if you learn how

  • Learn how to regulate your breathing and heart rate,

  • Help reset your sleep and self confidence with your mind’s energy

All these changes and much more can be your new skills in 2024.


Set up 1/2 hour time to learn how easy it is.



Helping you help others

Simplify  Simplify

Kids having fun

The best way to overload the brain….

***Try to do too much at one time.***


As adults who once were children, we found out the hard way.

Remember those days when you would come home from school?

You knew you had a list of things “that must be done,” and all you wanted was to  BE FREE  to play. 

How did you feel?    Happy?   NO!

Clear-headed and energized? NO

Teachers and parents  of children with challenges, please allow children to play/ exercise  between classes, after school  and and after dinner before homework.

Give everyone time to play and have fun including yourself.

Walking, exercising playing on the trampoline, yoga stretches , dancing to music or simply running around outside helps the brain and body calm down and oxygenate the body and mind.

Then you and the children can get back to homework, cooking, art or other creative activities with energy and happiness.

Let’s explore how you can get tmore energy easily and feeling more relaxed and fulfilled than ever before.

Call now




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