Using photon light to heal
Brain Training- a new way to learn


Gift that keeps on giving                                                                     

  • The new You

    Using photon light to heal

  • Finding You can be fun

  • Learn how you release your hidden clitches that slow your progress :

  • Stress can be relieved by relaxing

  • Pain can be decreased instantly if you learn how

  • Learn how to regulate your breathing and heart rate,

  • Help reset your sleep and self confidence with your mind’s energy

All these changes and much more can be your new skills in 2024.


Set up 1/2 hour time to learn how easy it is.



Little Steps bring Success!

Step 1. Little Steps bring Success

The stress from physical and emotional pain and fatigue can cause anxiety, confusion, and social isolation. Chronic deep muscle pain or fear can decrease activity and lead to depression. Anxiety, fear, and depression often block even the desire to change.

Besides the physical and emotional challenges to recovering your energy and happiness, it can significantly interfere with the way you manage your activities at home or at work.

So take the first baby steps to free yourself by contacting Mary Wolken, Ph.D., today for your complimentary introductory session.


Baby your feet & feel born again.
So tired all the time – want relief?
Why am I so tired now?
Covid lockdown seems to be lessening.
People are attempting to mingle in groups again.
our normal thinking brain is still slower than it was before Covid.
The brain works best when it has:
 1. Quality food
 2.  2-4 quarts of purified water,
 3. A calm, happy environment to live and thrive in,
  4. lots of movement and exercise
 5. loving energy interactions
During a crisis…
Hormones shift to crise mode, muscles in gut and brain tighten,  and emotionally one’s nervous system retreats into crisis or survival mode.
What does this mean to be In crisis mode?

**our energy gets redirected to fight or flight mode so there isn’t enough to do all “normal” activities8

***we feel drained, anxious

**on high alert or not quite “with it”

*** eternally sleep deprived..

SO…..  Are you tired of being somewhat less than your best?
What can you do about it?
Let’s do this together. You can begin today at your convenience. Are you in? Click to begin
Holiday Relief for Caregivers
Tired mother and her little son in the cooking mode in the kitchen

Lose the holiday overload and blues
My gift to you those that care for others  

Reset the holiday stress. Ready to finally gently unwind some of the overload you are carrying. This is my gift to you.

For more information or to be the first to create a joy-filled holiday this year.

Comment below or email me to sign up or find out more.
Let’s work together this special year to find more peace and health together! Mary Wolken Ph.D. Trauma Reset and Relaxation Specialist.

Moving through crisis to happy & productive

Reset Crisis induced stress

Are you stuck in crisis mode?

Let’s begin to re-stack our “blocks”

to get the best from this time out we have been put in.

All of us have been stressed beyond measure during this Covid-19 plus other challenges time.

How to begin your recovery and regain your energy and joy for living.   Take this Stress Test.

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