“Over achievers’ chaos syndrome”

Do you find you are trying to juggle so so many thingsbusiness man hands show internet concept

many things are getting done poorly or not up to your usually high standard?

opportunities to connect in a meaningful way slipping through your fingers?


You may be suffering from the over achievers chaos syndrome approach to life.

Symptoms include, but are not limited to:

Working on many projects simultaneously

Working on projects at all hours of the day or night

No time to play

Confusing and irritability

Brain fog

You don’t need to take a pill -that will only make the problem worse.

Hint:  Focus on the task at hand for 20 minutes and then change tasks.

Recognizing the chaotic, fractal nature of our world, can give us insight, power, and wisdom. Living from this new perspective even chaotic circumstances will increase the internal and external interconnectedness and calmness. With practice, you will be able to avoid reacting and respond in a conscious heart centered manner. Want to learn how to do this advanced Super Hero move?

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How evolved are your brain/innersensory skills ?

Where are your ability to problem solve and live in happiness on the evolutionary scale?

Stage 1. Reaction Level 1: For billions of years the basis for brain’s reaction/response system continues to evolve. Even the one -cell animals had a developed ways to react to changes in their environment.

Stage 2.Reaction Level 2. Do you just keep pushing/pulling to get ahead? DNA and inner cell signaling: About 2 billion years ago single cell animals began forming a center for direction of duplicating information and sending out electro-chemical signals as a feedback system while they swam to find their way.

Stage 3. Expanded skills, awareness & protection of community Do you Modern Nervous System Integrated purposeful movement: 600 million years ago the first modern nervous systems, but with the modern fish the first internal brain and spinal column developed. These animals could feed and protect their young, reproduce sexually and defend their own.

Stage 4. Increasing awareness that there is more to life? About 550 millions years ago, the brain game took a quantum integration step forward with Human Brain the frontal( fore) brain for more integrated thinking coming into play.

Stage 5. Altruism or man seeking deeper meaning, peace and happiness grows, but path to develop necessary for world wide acceptance not clear.  Humans are babies in this complex forebrain/limbic lobe processing abilities.(1)

Only over the last 20 years  has man learned that other animals beside himself like birds and dolphins and plants are able of processing complex information and find solutions to problems and live in direct communication with others of their kind.

Goal: to learn how to handle challenges in a focused, calm manner, not simple react to situations. These skills are crucial for world health and peace.prospective.

Heart Star circleSo I  invite you  to join me to learn how to use more effectively our natural gifts and intelligence for the greater good.

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References1. J. Baird and L. Nadel “Happiness Genes”New Page Books

Subtle proding = new brain cells

Super WomanAt the University of Western Australia researchers have found repeated low level magnetic stimulation across the brain on mice born with abnormal brains  help new neural connects to grow and organize.

Is it time for kinesiologist and biontologist to work with researchers to share other possible methods of stimulating energy to balance brain and body  cells, emotional challenges and movement imbalances?

Kalina Makowiecki, lead researcher said the research demonstrated low intensities, pulsed magnetic stimulation could reduce abnormally located neural connections, shifting or reprogramming  them towards their correct locations in the brain.

“This reorganization is associated with changes in a specific brain chemical, and occurred in several brain regions, across a whole network. Importantly, this structural reorganization was not seen in the healthy brain or the appropriate connections in the abnormal mice, suggesting that the therapy could have minimal side effects in humans.”  The side effect seen in humans from Integrated Medicine therapy is health.

Integrated therapies improve the chances for cells to return to their normal state of magnetism and light. These therapies can speed healing and improve the cell’s ability to communicate effectively, reduce or eliminate  exhaustion, discomfort, being tired, wired and confused.

The time for learning and experiencing that light and magnetism moves health at all levels  of our being.

To learn more about how to create more light and less stress in your life, please sign in below.

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MedicalPress: http://medicalxpress.com/news/2014-08-brain-reprogrammed.html

Image: thehealthylivingcenter.com  

Stranger than danger-the brain schism

by Mary Wolken, PhD.

How many things are you trying to do now?  Stranger  danger

L3764360_last night, I was walking in the park with my dog and husband enjoying the pond, the night and the trees and saw the strangest creatures I’ve ever seen.  They were unlike others I’d seen before in the park. Human zombies looking for a fictional figure.

Their shapes were human, but their behavior was “unpark” like. Humans walking with others, however there was no communication with the other human like bodies they were with. The only focus of these creatures was to the lite up devices in their palms. They seem to have no awareness of where they are or the others with them.  Their reason for moving around a beautiful pond with ducks and lite up fountain seem lost. There was no focus on enjoying nature, or nurture. They could have been at home or under the sea it wouldn’t have mattered. They were multi-tasking. That was their chosen “world” to move in.

Multi-tasking is our new way of  life

Multi-taking is a curable disease.  However, the deeper the addiction to multitasking – enjoying the moment.

The benefits of multitasking are few.  Scientific research shows an inverse correlation between quality of work completed and multi-tasking.

“These stats from Statistic Brain paint a picture of how difficult it is to stay focused:

Average person’s attention span: 8 seconds
A goldfish’s average attention span: 9 seconds

                       The average office worker checks their inbox an average of 30 times per hour” *

Tip for the Super Achiever

Remember: The mind can only successfully do one thing well at a time without adding more stress to your mind and body. Stay focused.

To increase productivity : Create a check list. Set up a scheduled time to focus on one activity at a time. Devote all of your attention to the task. You will accomplish more in less time and decrease your tiredness, confusion and overwhelm.

To decrease pain and stress join us to learn the next most important way to decrease your stress and pain forever.

Image credit: the healthylivingcenter.com

Reference Buffer: http://open.bufferapp.com/single-tasking

What allows your beauty to transpire?

Just take a minute and  look at the beauty that was hidden within this leaf!

You would never have seen it, if this leaf wasn’t under stress/pressure to move this water.

leaf essenceThese beads of water that look s beautiful around the leaf’s edge can come out at night, when there is no other way for the water to move to the outer edge of the leaf. It takes especially stressful conditions to allow this event to take place.

When there is a lot moisture building up under ground around the roots, water will enter plant roots. The water will builds up in the plant, causing a slight pressure in the roots. This pressure forces some water out through special openings in the leaf’s  tip or edge openings,  forming drops. This is most noticeable when the normal water flow slows and the relative humidity is high.


So plants aren’t much different then us. Under pressure, when our way seems darkest or blocked (at night) we can show our unique beauty for all to see.

Healthy Super Achievers, we can let the pressure of all these responsibilities shut us down or if we learn how to breathe deeply and stay in the moment maybe, just maybe, we will allow the inner beauty and love to move out under the pressure to create a world beautiful with your transpired flow like the leaf.

Image courtesy of  ScienceAlert

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Image via Green Renaissance.com

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