Imagine – will you join us?

Let us try an experiment that last 1 month

then invite someone to repeat it with you.



Let’s Imagine  each one of us can change the world one vision at a time.

Every day each of us will do and imagine others doing 1 small things and feeling to help each other and all of life.

What will you focus on ?

Please report back after 1 month and let us know of the shifts you have noticed please.

Thank you from Mother Earth and all creatures big and small.

Thanks to and John Lennon

You’re the surprise inside

People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds,

  it is something one creates.” ~Thomas Szasz 1973


On Relaxation Island today, heat, pressure and intensity can create very unexpected beautiful changes.

A metaphor for life itself, let yourself work through the changes. Trust your heart’s direction – things will work out.

A wiser more fun version of yourself may emerge.


Quote: Thomas Szasz, “Personal Conduct,” The Second Sin, 1973

Author Mary Wolken PhD can help you discover your inner gifts and career. Connect soon the world needs your gifts.

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