Relax to help the planet

  Be Gentle !  The Pat day

  • Stand on your open porch or in a safe comfortable well lite space.

  • Belly Breathe deeply several times – very slowly!  Continue throughout the exercise.

  • Now  take your hands, and gently slowly pat your self from top of your head down your face and neck

  • and  then do the rest of your body.

  • Breathe deeply and slowly.

  • Do a self check and how do they feel now?

  • Continue patting the rest of your body down to your feet with your whole open hand several times.

  • Notice how you feel now.


Let’s talk about how we can use this for your specific needs and that of your loved ones.

Call me soon

    Mary Wolken PhD




Relax! Your stress away!
Relax and reduce anxiety and improve mental energy

Low energy?

Old trauma or abuse?

Anxiety or not feeling worthy?

Your ability to regulate the body’s energy, learn and retain information and be happy is dependent solving the lingering effects of traumatic experiences.

This process is known as post-traumatic growth, and it can involve increased resilience, stronger relationships, a greater appreciation for life, increased intuitive understanding and a deeper meaning to life.

The effects of trauma can vary greatly from person to person.There are key parts of the brain and nervous system that need to be reactivated and conditioned to discover better ways to respond in stressful situations besides the average emotional fight, hide or flight response.

Every day do something special just for you. 

We’re on a mission to help the planet unwind a bit.

One person and family at a time.                              

Please sign in below if you would like to join in to relax and improve the planet.

Exercises will be send daily to your email or you can find them in the members area of our website.

http://your wordpress url/wp-register.php.




Relax – day 2

Day 2                                                                     Relax to help the planet

Easy sunrise/ sun any time exercise for all ages

Walk outside in a safe quiet area.

Close your eyes and face the sun (with eyes closed)

Breathe in the sun’s light slowly and deeply for 8 cycles.

Each breath cycle breathe in to the count 8 and hold for 5 counts and exhale to the count of 8.

Feel the light fill and cleans your energy and open the well of gratitude for the sun.


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