The costs of cell phone, iphone ipad and android addiction?

Dear blue tooth, iphone ipad and android junkies,Modern Cell Phones


The costs of  always needing to be hooked up and on top of the latest text messages and emails:

  • Increase tendency to develop anxiety disorders
  • Increase in EMFs aggravate the nervous system
  • Keeping electron devices on the body and close to the bed causes a depletion in vital brain and body energy.
  • Constant need to response to potential incoming calls and messages decrease the quality time
  • Decreases effective heart centered communication with business, friends and family.
  • Tip:  Turn off and open your heart to the wonders and potential of love and healing around you.

If you need help in getting unhooked and back in life.  Sign up for a 15 minute Get Unhooked session with Mary

“Too much good water lost to bottle all drinks”


“The International Bottled Water Association, ever sensitive to criticism that it’s wasting precious resources, has commissioned its first ever study to figure out how much water goes into producing one liter. Released this month the data shows that for North American companies

to make 1 liter of your favorite liquid beverage requires:

* 1.39 liters to make one liter of water.

* 2.02 liters of water  for 1 liter of soda.

* 4 liters of water to make 1 liter of beer,

* 4.74 liters to make 1 liter of wine. Hard alcohol, it turns out, is the greediest, guzzling

*34.55 liters of water for every liter of hard liquor.

Plus environmental activists have estimated that about 50 billion (mostly plastic) bottles are thrown away every year.

Reference: Thanks to

“How can your communication improve your healthy b & b”

Would you like to know a secret?

Do you promise to do it and to tell?

Is honesty  the best policy?

This age old question has been used as an excuse to commit many hurtful interchanges in personal and business life.
We see shading the truth glorified in movies and TV programs  and then we experience the other end of the lack of communication spectrum when someone says “I’m going to tell you this straight (brutally) it means.
          “Based on my test results you have 3 months to live.”
           Another an angry boss confronts a coworker with “James why do you always make a jerk out of yourself at meetings
           telling loud and off color jokes?”
Both of these attempts at sharing information with others have “the truth as the speakers perceive it in the statement outcome, but are they the truth the whole truth and given in a way they can be heard and acted upon positively?
Before sharing with another person some potentials challenging information
Look in the mirror and say and feel how that wording effects you. If it makes your insides churn look for a calmer more sensitive way to share.
Improve your communication skills by listening and responding
to the body’s signals for a healthier body and business.
Remember: To learn more about “What pressures You?” and what to do about it. Click here. It is free.
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