Divide and Conquer Painful Pressure
Releasing overwhelm quickly
Releasing overwhelm quickly
Lose the holiday overload and bluesMy gift to you those that care for others Reset the holiday stress. Ready to finally gently unwind some of the overload you are carrying. This is my gift to you. For more information or to be the first to create a joy-filled holiday this year. Comment below or email me to sign up […]
Dissipated smoke“I received my lights yesterday, I put them up last night. Unfortunately, they are at an angle because I had to take the covers off of my lights…I am a smoker and I’ve got two dogs. Would you believe me, within about 4 hours there was no more smell in the house?… In front of my computer here, I […]
NASA light technology removes smoke, bacteria and elevates mood Mary Wolken Ph.D here. Thanks for a few moments of your valuable time. I’m using Pure-Light a NASA based technology to shift the health and happiness of my home and office with a flip of a switch. Decrease smoke, bacteria, viruses, and fungi with Pure-LightI am so very impressed with my […]
Reset Crisis induced stress Are you stuck in crisis mode? Let’s begin to re-stack our “blocks” to get the best from this time out we have been put in. All of us have been stressed beyond measure during this Covid-19 plus other challenges time. How to begin your recovery and regain your energy and joy for living. Take this Stress […]