Loosen up those hips for success


Stretch your hips before hiking around Relaxation Island © or before sports activity, speaking, and teaching teaching :

Before you go walking or hiking around Relaxation Island© doing these stretches to relax, create more flexibility and improve range of motion. It will decrease our chance of injury form exercising cold tight muscles in your hips, pelvic floor, legs and back.

Hip stretches are important for the flexibility and range of motion of the hip and lower back muscles. Good hip flexibility allows for the unrestricted and pain free movement of the hip and legs.

Sports that benefit from the hip stretches include:

Cycling; Hiking, Backpacking, Mountaineering and Orienteering;

Ice hockey and Field hockey; Ice Skating, Roller Skating and Inline Skating; Martial Arts; Rowing, Canoeing and Kayaking; Running, Track and Cross Country;

Running sports like Football, Soccer, Gridiron and Rugby; Snow Skiing and Water Skiing; Walking and Race Walking.

Executives and managers and service workers benefit from stretch and opening your hips because it these exercises open up the pelvic floor and stabilize weak muscles of the legs and back to allow you to have a more balanced confident perspective on how to work and speak from your heart.

For free stretching videos click here:

If your health is compromised, please check with your health practitioner before doing any new exercise program.


Thanks to Brad Walker and Injury Fix for this great way to improve your flexibility, reduce your stress, pain and overwhelm.

Wash away tiredness on RI

Lay down on Relaxation Island © today and let the sound of the ocean waves wash away your tiredness and that fried out feeling.

Let Mother Nature’s sounds embrace you and rebuild your energy. Refresh and take a short mini vacation.

Each time you take time to listen, unwind and allow your breathing, and your body’s systems can unload the pent-up stress and build better health and energy.

Enjoy your trip to the ocean on Relaxation Island©!


Thank you Youtube.com and Acerting Art


Do not listen to this while you are using machinery or driving a car.


Smile time on R I

I love dogs and their antics . The love they share so freely with us is unconditional.

They are here to help and help us smile through the stressful times.


When we smile our brain releases endorphins -feel good hormones.  Endorphins are the body’s way to get a natural high and relax.

So take a few minutes today to share a smile from Relaxation Island© with yourself and maybe with someone you don’t even know. You can even send a smile to someone far away by simply visualize them and send them a smile and hug.

Thank you for helping create more smiles between people on our earth.



Relax your neck

Get up and stretch to think clearly and breathe easier. Do these gentle techniques to relax and take a short “Time for Me” during the day or before bedtime.
Using these simple stretches from Brad Walker of Injuryfix.com formerly called the Stretching Institute your neck will relax and upper body stress will decrease.

Have a great time on Relaxation Island© .
Always check with your health professional before starting any new exercises.


Thanks to Brad Walker and Injuryfix.com for helping our RI members free their necks so they can think and feel healthier, more confident and help others more effectively when they practice this exercise routine daily.

Want your body to breathe easier and reduce stress and strain? Check out the video and stretching manual .


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