Get a clear perspective
Ready to live in 2024?

Ready to drop the worry” and really enjoy living in 2024?

Are you looking at and reacting to situations and people through old filters?

We all have our “favorite” old feelings and things we say to ourselves when we are unsure of how to move forward.


Check the ones that sound familiar”

  1. I’m not sure I can…
  2. Maybe later, after I …
  3. This never works right for me…
  4. It always happens, …
  5. I’m not good enough….
  6. Maybe I’ll do it ….

** If you have checked 3 or more – don’t wait set you intro. free session today.

**Less than 3  you can wait till tomorrow before you call, but you’ll be happier if you call today.

*Gently eliminate emotional pain, trauma  or learning challenges that blocks your happiness and success.

* Stop living on an emotional roller coaster?

*Remove the poison from the old hurts and traumas.

* Stop worrying. 

Love what you do

 Feel the freedom of quickly gently changing pain to calm, relaxed, and confident .

 Don’t stay stuck in a rut, unless you want to!

This is a scientific formula for identifying the root causes of your challenges and resetting them gently at a quantum speed. This simple technique can change your life forever.

“Can I get through this pain and frustration gently -I’m so tired of this old stuff!”  -Mary Wolken PhD.


















Little Steps bring Success!

Step 1. Little Steps bring Success

The stress from physical and emotional pain and fatigue can cause anxiety, confusion, and social isolation. Chronic deep muscle pain or fear can decrease activity and lead to depression. Anxiety, fear, and depression often block even the desire to change.

Besides the physical and emotional challenges to recovering your energy and happiness, it can significantly interfere with the way you manage your activities at home or at work.

So take the first baby steps to free yourself by contacting Mary Wolken, Ph.D., today for your complimentary introductory session.


Baby your feet & feel born again.
So tired all the time – want relief?
Why am I so tired now?
Covid lockdown seems to be lessening.
People are attempting to mingle in groups again.
our normal thinking brain is still slower than it was before Covid.
The brain works best when it has:
 1. Quality food
 2.  2-4 quarts of purified water,
 3. A calm, happy environment to live and thrive in,
  4. lots of movement and exercise
 5. loving energy interactions
During a crisis…
Hormones shift to crise mode, muscles in gut and brain tighten,  and emotionally one’s nervous system retreats into crisis or survival mode.
What does this mean to be In crisis mode?

**our energy gets redirected to fight or flight mode so there isn’t enough to do all “normal” activities8

***we feel drained, anxious

**on high alert or not quite “with it”

*** eternally sleep deprived..

SO…..  Are you tired of being somewhat less than your best?
What can you do about it?
Let’s do this together. You can begin today at your convenience. Are you in? Click to begin
Free yourself from anxiety & trauma

Are you or a loved one Lost

in the fog of anxiety and trauma?

Signs of living in “the fog”

1. Anticipatory Fear/ Anxiety

Normally being in a new situation, meeting new people or speaking in front of a group can produce “butterflies in the stomach, cold feet, sweating, dry mouth or muscle switching…

Why?? These body signals can be annoying -for some especially after trauma, TBI or life-changing illness. The fear and anxiety can be debilitating and cause the mind to shut down and the person to react and shut down or overreact in the moment.

2. Overwhelm & Confusion

If you feel overwhelmed by the suddenness of an event, the fight or flight energy of the body takes over. A person quits thinking calmly and rationally and tries to survive the confusion and fear by fleeing, hiding, fighting or attempting to placate their abuser or making excuses for forgetting, having memory laps… Usually, the ability to share feels and thoughts is avoided or swallowed to get physical support and help.

3. Over the long haul

After the initial crisis or accident passes and some of the external  wounds  go away, the emotional wounds remain hidden in the fascial tissues of the body and nervous system, and psyche awaiting a later time to be expressed, but never forgotten.
The problem is these deep-seated wounds don’t go away, but leave open sores that never heal without help.

How does this happen?
The body and brain have organized communication systems that catalog all our experiences and sorts these happenings as sensitive impressions in the brain and other part of the body to possible come out to aggrevate us later.

Example: If I was driving my car through a 4 way intersection and got hit by an out of control motorcycle, I would naturally be more cautious at that intersection or around motorcycles the next time I am driving.

I would unconsciously become more vigilant, my pulse may race, etc. These responses seem confusing, but they are a normal reaction to previous trauma.

How to begin to release this stress: 

 Simply rub the area under your nose above your upper lip slowly while breathing deeply through your nose and slowly through your mouth. Feel your belly decrease in  size your belly muscles contract.

**If this helps you after your practiced daily for 1 week send me your comments and experiences -it can encourage others.  Thanks!

Being flexible takes on a whole new dimension


How flexible are you?

Rate yourself in flexibility:

physically  ____

mentally _____


relationship flexibility _________

Learn to reset your focus or how you are viewing  the challenge/pain can gently reset how your brain processes the event. Comments welcome.

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