“Did you pass the pressure test in 2013?”

Join me on January 17 or 18, 2014

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“Step out of  Pain into Success” online interactive seminar

Did you push through, never balancing time for yourself, loved ones, work and play in 2013?

Did you work even when you were too sick or tired to think straight?

Did the demands to make it better, finish it overtake you like a huge wave on the ocean not leaving much room to breathe?

If you have answered YES to the above questions, then you have passed the pressure test, but failed at creating a healthy  lifestyle that would support your long term success in life.

Never pass the pressure test again

To reduce your overload and pain, join me on January 17 or 18 to find out how you can unwind your stress before it unwinds you. Learn quick easy solutions to build health and success in 2014.

Join me on January 17 and 18, 2014.“Step out of  Pain into Success” online interactive seminar

Mary Wolken PhD helps people, like yourself reduce pain and increase their healthy and success for 43 years naturally without drugs. Mary trains nurses, educators and families to assess, manage stress and move towards healthier lifestyle choices.

Unhappiness and overload creates unmotivated and sick people .

If you are saying “I’m so ready to make my life fun and less pressured in the New Year, I’ll do what ever it takes to make my life worth living again.

I don’t want to just handle “it” . I want to succeed and be free of   “it”.

Click here  

Join me on Friday January 17  at 5 PM MST


Saturday 18, 2014 at 10 AM MST  “Step out of  Pain into Success”  online interactive seminar.




“Do you suffer from the pain in the butt syndrome?”

Get quick relief for the “pain in the butt” syndrome.

Do you sit too much and feel like you have pain or discomfort in your lower buttock, leg or foot?

When you sit for a period of time do you get pain in your butt, leg and/or foot?

Here’s how to reduce the stress on the piriformis and other pelvic floor muscles.

First you need to loosen up the large muscle groups around the piriformis muscle.

Here’s 2 stretches for the quads and buttocks to get you started. Once you’ve done these general stretches a 5 to 20 times then work on slowly adding the other related muscle group stretches for the quads, lower back, hamstrings and buttocks.



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Step up out of pain to Success

Want more information on other quick ways to reduce or eliminate muscle tightness or pain?

For more  quick ways to reduce your pain and stress simply put your name and email in the box at the right.

See you on the flip side soon.  Step up out of pain to Success


“Does EU and Canada take better care of workers’ stress issues?”

Governing bodies in both the European Union and Canada have departments to oversee work related health issues in the area of worker or employee stress.The EU guides company managers to be on the lookout for  employee related stress problems in the following areas when:

  • workers’ motivation is down

    Monitoring stress
    Monitoring stress
  • work satisfaction is low
  • absenteeism is high
  • turn overs are on the rise
  • productivity is decreasing
  • workers don’t care any more
  • accidents and mistakes are on the rise
  • inefficiency is rising

In Canada the government has told companies that is a boss repeatedly puts impossible deadlines on employees and over time this overwhelming stress causes a worker  mental breakdown the boss will be held responsible for the care of the worker stricken.

There is a major change coming how employers can treat workers. The antiquated concept of the workplace being “run like a factory” and the workers are something to be “dealt with or eliminated” thankfully is changing.

When we treat everyone as family and support them-not demand endlessly of them, the company will develop a strong caring and productive culture.

The Healthy Living Center is here to consult with individuals, families and companies that wish to develop a healthy supportive culture to thrive in.

Contact Mary Wolken today at    info.healthylivingcenter.com

Further reading

Reducing workplace stress

Stress at work

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