Divide and Conquer Painful Pressure




Decrease your confusion and stress

  1. Put 1 open hand palm side down on
    the area right below your Xyphoid process ( solar plexus or CV14) then
  2.  Place your other hand palm down on the area below your navel (CV 4) halfway between your navel and pubic bone
  3.  Breathe deeply 5 times and relax your entire body
  4. Then finish by resting 1 hand on top of the head
  5. Put the other palm side down below your belly button.
  6. .  Breathe deeply 5  times
  7. Return to work breathing more freely and calmly.
Happy and present

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The cutting edge of energetic care

You can submit the form below or click the box on the right to schedule to talk to begin your healing.

Healthy Living Center Services

Working together to help you recover from crises for 50 years.

Specializing in Trauma, TBI, learning challenges recovery using natural gentle therapies

Primary reasons for using Natural Therapies:

  1. Homeopathy and Acupressure (kinesiology) to access and reset energetic imbalances.

Stabilize the physical body by decreasing pain and stress while creating a calm mind, body, and energy.

2.  Using emotional release techniques, counseling, laser light, neuro-kinesiology, proper food, and supplements to support recovery and homeopathy to balance the trauma, while decreasing the pain.

Improve memory, motor skills, speech, and movement

3. Goal: return YOU to health:  physically, mentally, and emotionally as rapidly and gently as possible.:

When you freeze emotionally do this

When you feel yourself emotionally shutting down remember

This is usually caused by “old stuff”.

Everyone has some. Some are hidden.

How do I tackle my “stuff”? It is possible.

Stuff is old things, situations,  peoples’ behavior toward us, and our reactions to their misbehavior.

Stuff may include old genetic (family) patterns inherited or acquired living with others or food-eating tendencies.

This old hidden stuff depresses your health and happiness and reduces your success and energy.

Step One 

When you see or feel yourself closing down like this beautiful little girl in the picture above


**Sit down in a safe space and breathe deeply and slowly from your belly.**

**Slowly rub your belly in a circle from right to left.**

**Stay focused on rubbing the belly, breathing slowly and deeply**

**until your muscles relax and your body and mind calms.**

Mary Wolken  PhD.

Healthy Living Center http://your wordpress url/wp-register.php.

Rebuilding after tragedies

We face many challenges throughout our lives some planned and others a surprise,

It’s how we overcome those challenges that shape our health, happiness, and success we achieve in rebuilding our life.

A traumatic brain injury (TBI), a sudden death(s) or a debilitating illness are three of the scariest challenges, we will face in our life. Whether it was a sudden death comes out of nowhere, learning challenges that may have been initiated from childhood trauma or an accident or group trauma, these overwhelming life-changing experiences must be gentle cared for – NOT IGNORED if you want to heal and be happy and energetic again.


I am no stranger to TBI’s after suffering an almost life-changing car accidents. I fought to overcome the challenges of those accidents and abuse. Knowing the struggles, I would like to help you rebuild your “house”, by decreasing the stress on the emotional and vagal nerve systems in the body. Why destress the vagal nervous system? It the largest and longest nerve in the entire virtually sending branches to every part of your brain and body. Traumatic events have lingering effects on our entire brain, body, and emotional systems. The stress in all forms that trauma causes is deep and long lived. I can help reduce trauma’s lingering effects. -Mary Wolken Ph.D. trauma specialist  Contact me on LinkedIn

Ready to get moving on your recovery? Click here  


Create happier healthier life one step at a time

Never in my wildest nightmare….  could I have imagined all the challenges and heartaches these past two years brought. 

Now how can we pull ourselves up together and create a better safer and kinder life in spite of Covid …

First what am I grateful for – the people who have pulled closer over these two years and how I’ve enjoyed the walks, the meals with those few this year, and talks.

I’m thankful for those people who share their arts with all.

I’m grateful for all those who allow me to help them improve their wellness and decrease their stress and grief this year.

I am grateful for all the research and caring researchers, healthcare workers and safety folks have given to us all.

I’m grateful for all the ways families are better communicating with each other over the year.

I’m grateful for the heartwarming ways those who left us will be remembered.

Hugs to all. Stay let’s work together to create a happier healthier life for all.

Mary Wolken Ph.D.





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