Journey out of shoulder pain -day 6

So it is day 6 and I am determined to unlock this right shoulder

 I want to stretch, lift and complete quick movements without pain.

Knowing you are guarding the injury site and uncovering why you are doing it can begin to soften the neuro-emotional objections you have developed to releasing the old trauma at the site of injury.

The two ways that are helping tonight are visualization and singing.

To protect my tightened muscles and tendons in my shoulders, I began rounding the shoulders.

*Reset your posture:

Take a deep belly breath. Then squeeze and release the shoulder blades while tightening  the belly. Then relax the shoulders -keep your chin straight and release your breath through your nose.

Knowing that reaction pattern was set in place and then continually repeated every time I bumped, slipped or sat over a computer.

*Angel in the snow

*Lay down on your back with your head and spine resting on a rolled rug on the floor (or on your bed if floor is too challenging)

Angel in the snow
Angel in the snow

*Practice creating snowmen

**Begin with arms at your sides and move them comfortably and slowly  (on your breath)  upward until you begin to feel your muscles start to resist. Return to stating position and repeat. Feels freeing and reminds me of playing in the snow as a kid.


Results I could extend my arms upward easier now and I realized that there was a strong emotion coming to the surface. I finally realized I was breaking free !


If you would like me to help you find a gentle way to retrain your body and be healthy and free, contact Mary Wolken PhD through the Pain Away link on this page.


PS. If you have noticed that the dates on this post is not  two days after the previous post -great observation!  The observations  are accurate for day 6 results.


Journey out of shoulder pain – day 4

help is there-painConfession: I had a melt down 4 days ago.

Did to much and the shoulder screamed at me.

So I’m averaging 2 to 3 heat and vibrational therapy treatments daily and the acute pain in my shoulder is waning. PT (physical therapist) checked it today and feels I just over did my new stretching exercises, I had temporarily added to my daily routine. I’m at the point where I’m chomping at the bit to get to “normal” functioning.  I know slow and steady wins the race. Baah!


Even though I tell people recovering from injury or illness to take it slow when you start to feel better and think you are over the worst of the slow recovery steps. CAUTION!!

As you to probably experienced, add too much of a load and your body will scream for relief. Know what I mean?  So I have 1 exercise to do -a reach and stretch and can do shoulder rotations but take it easy.  Now if you are like me going slow was never part of my makeup.  It has to be perfect to right?  Heat has been a God sent gift.

Do ask questions and I’ll do my best to answer them.  Comments welcome.

I will keep you posted and if you try this techniques, please post your results here for all to see. Click here for the link to Brad Walker’s methods.

Will gentle shifts give lasting result? Testing 1, 2, 3

This is real folks. about 2 years ago I fell hard on the cement and injured my shoulders and “planted my hands and knees into the cement.

I was in shock and after 5 to 10 minutes finally managed to slowly struggle up. -grateful that I could move.

Since then I’ve tried many things to get  “back to normal” ,including physical therapy, acupuncture, homeopathy, kinesiology, some exercise and stretching, supplements, Chiren, trigger point release… and to say there has been no magic bullet is an understatement. I continue to have my shoulder evaluated and accept and practice heat relief and stretches with homeopathic and acupressure relief.

So now I am going to take on Brad Walker’s system to help move me closer to full recovery. Listen to his video and see if it is for you. I’ve interviewed Brad and he is likeable, extremely well trained and has years of professional experience.


So tonight is my first night working his stretching program to help heal my rotator cuff issues. I will keep you posted and if you try his techniques, please post your results here for all to see. Click here for the link.

rotator cuff injury -Gray412


Rotator Cuff Injury Facts

The rotator cuff is made up of four muscles that move and stabilize the shoulder joint. Damage to any or all of the four main muscles and the ligaments that attach these muscles to bone is possible. Acute injury, chronic overuse, or gradual aging or excessive slouching while sitting, working or standing can lead to shoulder impingement and pain. This damage can cause disability with decreased range of motion and use of the shoulder joint.

The shoulder is a ball-socket joint that allows the arm to move in many directions.  The rotator cuff muscles

supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis and teres minor stabilize and move the shoulder joint and adjust the position of the humeral head of the arm and scapula (the shoulder blades) during shoulder movement.


Other muscles that assist move and stabilize the shoulder include the deltoid, teres major, corachobrachialis, latissimus dorsi, and pectoralis major.

When the rotator cuff is injured pain, limited range of motion, swelling caused by fluid accumulation can occur and over time calcium can build up and bring on more pain and movement issues.

Injury can vary from a temporary mild strain and sore tight muscle or tendon and inflammation to a partial or complete tear of the muscle that might require surgery or extended rehab.

If you are having lots of pain do not do lots of exercises-error on the side of caution rest and use cold and heat and seek medical care.

What to learn how to help yourself to a speedier recovery?

Pain Relief Master Class


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