Stuck in your story ?

Stuck in your story?

Do you let an old painful event hold you back?


sea shells on the sandy beach
Stuck in the muck?

Research has shown that no matter how good our memory is.  It isn’t strong enough to recall old events or trauma in full detail. So what are we actually remembering?  More important when we think about or tell some one about what happened, the brain edits the original event slightly with each time it is retold.

Think about that for a minute.

Each time it’s remembered our brain and our emotional attachment to the event grows stronger connections between brain cells called neurons. These circuitry get embedded in our brain cells through repetition.

According to Karim Nader PhD, a neuroscientist at McGill University in Montreal says “it  maybe impossible for humans or any other animal to bring a memory to mind without altering it in some way”1.

So what we recall, plus or minus a slight change, our story is born. The  “story” can create excuses for doing or not doing something.  Pain or emotional overload can become the roots of a deeply hidden driver behind the pain story. Often times, the more often we think about the pain the story deepens so does the pain.

Free yourself from pain’s old story

Thanks to
When pills and Ignoring the pain don’t work

Do you just keep pushing no matter what?                          12187956_10153690251059555_1081941830976389731_o

After your accident or the emotional jolt you experienced, the pain is draining you. You are clear about one thing.

You just want the pain to be gone. BUT you keep pushing, feeling wired and tired, trying to take care of family, work, exercise etc  until…?

Does the exhaustion, sleeplessness, foggy feeling keep draining you?

“Too Busy for Pain”  series is  for you if  you want to:

*Gently eliminate physical and emotional pain.

* Stop living on an emotional roller coaster?

* Stop worrying. 

* Feel the freedom of quickly gently changing pain to calm confident free movement.

Want to learn how to get decrease pain drain rapidly? –click here


Pain – happiness link?

Is happiness peeking out from under your pain?

Guiding you from pain to your happiness center?

happy children in nature outdoor
happy children in nature outdoor

Guide to Pain Relief


  • Imagine you are seeing the world through the eyes of the child in the picture.
  • What is this child peeking at? Look out at the world through his eyes. What does he see?   How does he feel about what he senses?
  • Now check your pain level. Did going through this experience help you to take a deeper breath or forget about your pain for a moment?
  • Is the pain or emotional stress you were feeling lighten for a while?

Focusing on happy situations and doing something to create smiles in someone else can create a space to lighten your pain load. Why is that?

Check out my free guide to Pain Relief

Smile to relax and relieve your pain

The best way to flex your muscles is to smile. It triggers these feel good chemicals in the body.

Endorphins help to lift your spirits and relieve stress/pain. The “Duchenne smile (picture at the right ) helps reduce pain signals from the brain to the body and simultaneously let a warm happy feeling wash over you.

This smile flexes the muscles at the sides of the mouth and contraction of the muscles at the corner of the eyes, an action known as a “Duchenne smile”.

Experiment: practice this smile every chance you get and now while you watch this video. Let us know what effects it has on your pain and mood.


Thanks to Nature Sounds: Zen Music for the beautiful healing sounds.

Thanks to Eric McGregor  “ASmiling_girl.jpg


If you are “Too Busy for Pain”

would like a guide to gently remove pain and emotional stress?


Change your focus and your pain?

11225417_10104314590907132_2664748959579133274_oFocus is the first step to get through pain.

The brain is such an amazing programmable computer.  Whatever the brain focuses is on tells the thinking and emotional systems of the brain what messages to send to the body. So, if you focus on pain the pain increases.

Experiment: Look at the image of the bridge at the right. If you focus on the trees, you don’t see the details of the bridge or water rushing below the bridge.

To decrease pain, the focus has to shift. How?

Sign up for  Pain Relief Master Class coming the first week in November 16, 2016.

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