Curb cabin fever

Secret 2 to Curbing cabin fever

 Freeing Yourself from pain and stress.

Using pure-light light to decrease pressure on the physical and emotional body stress.

When you are under high-stress levels – feeling locked up, depressed, fearful …pure -light can change the energy of your environment and yourself gently and quickly.  Proven successful at eradicating COVID’s virus cousins, like MERS, SARS, etc. it is a very quick and simple aid to improve your emotional energy and support your body’s natural defense system without pills.

I love them!    Want to know more?


Feeling imprisoned & overwhelmed by your challenges now?

Feeling like you are imprisoned during these challenging times?         

 Overloaded – overwhelmed with all your added responsibilities?

Do the unexpected new demands on you as a parent, health care providers or vital service industry workers, educators are facing, now is entirely different from the emotions they were experiencing before the pandemic. But are they the same?

The top five emotions were frustrated, overwhelmed, stressed, tired, and happy. The primary source of their frustration and stress pertained to not feeling supported by their administration around challenges related to meeting all of their students’ learning needs, high-stakes testing, an ever-changing curriculum, and work-life balance.

Research findings across the country show that our parents, teachers, health workers, and vital services providers are developing more overwhelm and burn out stress and burnout.  The longer this crisis goes the deeper the overload leading to more frustration and depression.

How can this be changed?  Relief step 1

First of all, thanks for all you are doing.

Second, simply take a moment as many times a day as you need to stay in the moment.

Raise your eyes slightly and bring the first 3 fingers on one of your hands gently together and breathe deeply from your belly.  

Repeat I have everything I need at this moment and I’m grateful.

Repeat frequently throughout the day and night and please report your results here to encourage others.

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