Helping you help others

Simplify  Simplify

Kids having fun

The best way to overload the brain….

***Try to do too much at one time.***


As adults who once were children, we found out the hard way.

Remember those days when you would come home from school?

You knew you had a list of things “that must be done,” and all you wanted was to  BE FREE  to play. 

How did you feel?    Happy?   NO!

Clear-headed and energized? NO

Teachers and parents  of children with challenges, please allow children to play/ exercise  between classes, after school  and and after dinner before homework.

Give everyone time to play and have fun including yourself.

Walking, exercising playing on the trampoline, yoga stretches , dancing to music or simply running around outside helps the brain and body calm down and oxygenate the body and mind.

Then you and the children can get back to homework, cooking, art or other creative activities with energy and happiness.

Let’s explore how you can get tmore energy easily and feeling more relaxed and fulfilled than ever before.

Call now




Just for today


Just for today

I will allow my movement
To be shaped by my heart
I will not explain or defend
I will not apologize or seek to be understood
Just for today
I will walk softly, speak little, offer what I can
Just for today
I will let being what I am
Be enough.

Thanks to Oriah Mountain Dreamer for the beautiful poem.

Imagine – will you join us?

Let us try an experiment that last 1 month

then invite someone to repeat it with you.



Let’s Imagine  each one of us can change the world one vision at a time.

Every day each of us will do and imagine others doing 1 small things and feeling to help each other and all of life.

What will you focus on ?

Please report back after 1 month and let us know of the shifts you have noticed please.

Thank you from Mother Earth and all creatures big and small.

Thanks to and John Lennon

Unwind by the ocean

Take a few moments today to unwind

by one of the “Relaxation Island ©” beaches.

Remember each time you breathe deep and relax and let your attention wander gently to the beach. Changing your focus will help unwind some of the pressure of the day and raise your creative energy
Simply let go and let the sounds of the ocean wash away the hectic pressures of your day.

Success begins at your core.  Contact Mary Wolken PhD to experience the fastest way to deep powerful health and success.


Thanks to and Acerting Art for the video.

Beyond words – unspoken communication

Join Mary for “Communication beyond words”
Wednesday March 18, 2015  free class
Mary Wolken PhD
Time: 5 to 7 PM  PST

Fishing boat at sunsetTo successfully navigate the challenges of communicating with others compassionately, we need to become better and better at being comfortable in our own internal boat.

Be able to:

 read the signs of potential trouble before crisis happens.
understanding what to do
act vs react in a crisis
move forward calmly and confidently

       Don’t turn your boat away from this opportunity to be the captain of your ship.


Mary Wolken PhD, a communication specialist for 45 years will enhance your ability to listen and respond in an effective way and understand the inner dialogue people only hint at with their words.

On Weds. March 18, 2015 at 5 to 7 PM PST

In “Communication beyond words” we will explore:

Getting clear on words and behaviors
Deepening your inner and outer senses of communication
    Reframing “the stories we live”
Pain – a blessing or curse?
Crisis intervention and light energy

This seminar is my gift to bettering the planet – one better communicator at a time.  – Mary Wolken

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Replay will be a gift to all that sign up.

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