Curb “cabin fever” feelings the easy way #2

Do you recognize these symptoms?  Feelings  of … 1.  being  couped up, 2.  restless 3. depressed 4. overwhelmed  5. wired 6. tired of social distancing If you have answered yes to at least 3 or more of these feelings, it is time to take advantage of your complimentary curb cabin fever session  And while you are making your appointment try […]

Curb cabin fever

Secret 2 to Curbing cabin fever Using pure-light light to decrease pressure on the physical and emotional body stress. When you are under high-stress levels – feeling locked up, depressed, fearful …pure -light can change the energy of your environment and yourself gently and quickly.  Proven successful at eradicating COVID’s virus cousins, like MERS, SARS, etc. it is a very […]

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