Together we can


Together we have the power to beat this Covid-19. Today, the World Health Organization has said this virus has spread around the world. Take this pledge with me and pass on this AVAAZ link to increase awareness. Thanks and best of health to us all. Remember Take good care of yourself. *Eat quality foods and […]

The Brain’s Switches and Glitches – A Gift for You


Harmony  and deep relaxed breath Overcoming your glitches and resetting your switches can help you gain more health and energy while you relax.The most effective smooth working connections between your brain, heart and gut keep the most precious computer system in the world functioning harmoniously. How can you do it? If you would like to […]

Free yourself from anxiety & trauma


Are you or a loved one Lost in the fog of anxiety and trauma? Signs of living in “the fog” 1. Anticipatory Fear/ Anxiety Normally being in a new situation, meeting new people or speaking in front of a group can produce “butterflies in the stomach, cold feet, sweating, dry mouth or muscle switching… Why?? […]

Secret 2 – Reducing your inner Grinch


Which old tapes do you play? “I’ll never get over ……….. “This pain will never…” “Every time I try……things seem to get worse” Stop pushing the repeat button to rewind your old issue! How -it is so simple… but so hard to stop…Push your Command REFRESH button and move forward. Where do you find this […]

Secret One – to calming the seasonal crazy energy


to Stay Afloat Holidays for most are very stress filled times. If you have health issues, traumatic events that have taken place around the holidays, the physical and emotional empact can cause overwhelm and choas in your life. Here is one tip to keeping yourself afloat during the challenges of the days ahead. Practice a […]