Is your image crafted like a hyper-realistic style images or do you take a breath, breathe and enjoy being you? Here’s a help to crafting the real beautiful you. These images are full of realism and because they were performed by talented artists. DMB offers a small range which shows you the best in different…
All posts in May 2014
How To Stop Procrastinating
Raise your hand if you’ve ever procrastinated? [Everyone’s hands go up!] Procrastination is defined as “doing less urgent things instead of more urgent things. Doing what is pleasurable over what is important”. It seems that we learn how to procrastinate…
Appreciate Yourself And What You Have
Appreciate yourself A better life has been achieved when we are no longer trying to achieve a better life. It means that we are content, as we should be, with ourselves and what we have. To be anxious for more or to envy someone else’s life or possessions…
Do less and achieve more
Are you addicted to doing more and attempting getting an insane amount of stuff done? Do you wake up at 4 a.m and work a 16-hour day? Do you wish that you could manage on less and less sleep? Come on; you know it’s not possible.…
Reflecting on Your Greatness: 7 Questions for Self Reflection
It is important that we make time for a little self reflection once and a while. Sometimes we get so hung up looking for praise outside of ourselves, when really, all that matters is that praise comes from within. So let’s give ourselves a…