“Create less stress by being energy efficient”
By using less energy and making your home and office more energy efficient, you will create less stress on our natural resources and your pocket book Thanks to UTube.com
By using less energy and making your home and office more energy efficient, you will create less stress on our natural resources and your pocket book Thanks to UTube.com
ROCK ON TO MAKE A HAPPIER WORLD Content thanks to UTube.com and SoulPancake
How can you live the best life possible? Say Yes to less. Derek Sivers explains how less can create room for an abundant and creative work and life. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ehWlVeMrqw] Thanks to YouTube.com and Derek Sivers.
Do you spend most of your time focus on the little stuff? What is really important? [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1d_cc622suQ] Make you list of priorities today ! Thanks to Utube.com and JR Reid’s The Empty Pickle Jar
Dig deep into who and what you are passionate about and you will find the fuel for your success, peace and happiness. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpR84MoyjnY] Thanks to UTube.com