Recover & Begin to Move Forward
Trauma is reshaping the world we live in.
It can leave you feeling OVERWHELM
*Recover Your Calmness so You can Move forward
( interview with Mary )
*Overcome stress and trauma without drugs. Click here
Mary Wolken Ph.D. Medical Intuitive and therapist
What clients are saying about Mary’s work:
“I too have struggled through traumatic pain both old family issues and then a series of accidents and surgeries while I was a full-time working parent. I have learned to unwind that trauma and feel more energy and less pain and anxiety using these techniques and therapies.” M.Wolken PhD
*Gain more emotional and physical pain relief and more calmness from the first session.
Mary personally, and gently helps you reset emotional, physical, and mental stress and trauma through acupressure, homeopathy, nutritional support, and counseling.” JB
“Calming and positive changes happen from the first visit with Mary. My memory, vision, reading speed and comprehension, movement, writing skill, and hearing have improved through her neural re-patterning work.” – J.W.V
Support for the entire family
“Mary also works with the family to decrease caretaker stress. Services provided in the office, community-based or specific services by phone. Mary cares for my young children, and the adults as well.”PG
“HLC approach is deeply relaxing, fast, effective, and gentle.” – DC
Tucson, AZ 85711
Phone: 520 323 6291
Remote sessions on demand.