Super Hero Invite
Super Heroes are:
Powered by light,
Open to LOVE
Unwound and achieving greatness.
Exhilarated not exhausted.
Sleeping peacefully and deeply.
Waking ready to live each moment as if it were our last.
Dynamically healthy and happy.
Guided by the heart’s whisperings.
Protected by gratitude and grace.
Developing and completing world enhancing projects easily.
Willing and skilled at raising the B.A.R.R. for all
Able to release suffering quickly to0 gain more clarity and focus.
Being the best I can be each moment.
Attracting peace and healthy wealth.
Knowing that no goal is too lofty if taken one inspired step at a time.
Eating and nurturing all for the sake of all.
I am more than enough!
I am a consciously super human being!
Come join us
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