Women do you need more clients?

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If you’re running your own solo-business, you’ve probably spent so much time and energy learning the many tools of your trade, and have planted a garden full of rich wisdom that can help people – if they just show up!It’s so frustrating and discouraging to offer such good work and yet, not attract the swarms people you want to help!  Right?

Kaya Singer, wise woman marketing mentor and my friend can help get those leads swarming to you.

Join me for Kaya Singer’s free training and learn how to attract more leads the wise woman way!

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Mary Wolken

About mwolken

Mary Wolken, PhD. is the Director of the Healthy Living Center and is the inspiration behind Wolken Pain Relief System. Mary quickly helps you release pain and stress patterns without drugs. She was the first complementary medicine therapist on the Brain and Spinal Cord School Assessment Team for Southern, AZ USA as a rehabilitation provider. 

Mary Wolken is a highly accurate intuitive, motivational speaker and therapist. As an educator , neuro-emotional kinesiologist, homeopath, and cell researcher.
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