Change your focus and your pain?

11225417_10104314590907132_2664748959579133274_oFocus is the first step to get through pain.

The brain is such an amazing programmable computer.  Whatever the brain focuses is on tells the thinking and emotional systems of the brain what messages to send to the body. So, if you focus on pain the pain increases.

Experiment: Look at the image of the bridge at the right. If you focus on the trees, you don’t see the details of the bridge or water rushing below the bridge.

To decrease pain, the focus has to shift. How?

Sign up for  Pain Relief Master Class coming the first week in November 16, 2016.

Journey out of shoulder pain -day 6

So it is day 6 and I am determined to unlock this right shoulder

 I want to stretch, lift and complete quick movements without pain.

Knowing you are guarding the injury site and uncovering why you are doing it can begin to soften the neuro-emotional objections you have developed to releasing the old trauma at the site of injury.

The two ways that are helping tonight are visualization and singing.

To protect my tightened muscles and tendons in my shoulders, I began rounding the shoulders.

*Reset your posture:

Take a deep belly breath. Then squeeze and release the shoulder blades while tightening  the belly. Then relax the shoulders -keep your chin straight and release your breath through your nose.

Knowing that reaction pattern was set in place and then continually repeated every time I bumped, slipped or sat over a computer.

*Angel in the snow

*Lay down on your back with your head and spine resting on a rolled rug on the floor (or on your bed if floor is too challenging)

Angel in the snow
Angel in the snow

*Practice creating snowmen

**Begin with arms at your sides and move them comfortably and slowly  (on your breath)  upward until you begin to feel your muscles start to resist. Return to stating position and repeat. Feels freeing and reminds me of playing in the snow as a kid.


Results I could extend my arms upward easier now and I realized that there was a strong emotion coming to the surface. I finally realized I was breaking free !


If you would like me to help you find a gentle way to retrain your body and be healthy and free, contact Mary Wolken PhD through the Pain Away link on this page.


PS. If you have noticed that the dates on this post is not  two days after the previous post -great observation!  The observations  are accurate for day 6 results.


Secrets of pain free walking ?

Want to know the secrets to pain free walking ?

Remember: Part of this readiness includes good hydration, proper protection and correct clothing for the activity.

There are secrets to keeping your body happy about walking and exercise.  It is called warming up and cooling down those body tissues.

Warming up fascia, muscles, ligaments, tendons and our entire brain and nervous system. Waking up each these structures before exercise sets the body and focuses the brain and emotional systems for healthy results.

For a complete guide to stretching for pain free walking and all sports click

Inner Child Happiness
Really? Smiling does this?
“Smile and the world smiles with you. Cry and you cry alone.” – Stanley Gordon West
A real genuine smile spreads endorphins by releasing the body’s feel good hormones, endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good, because it engages our heart, mind and the body’s facial muscles.
A Real Smile encourages cooperation and comradery.
A real smile, a Duchenne smile, encourages others to help each other and unwinds overwhelm and builds confidence and feeling good.
Thanks for smiling with us on Relaxation Island today. Keep smiling.
Thanks to the Smiles Project for their work and

The Smiles Project is a community initiative dedicated to doing random acts of kindness to spread smiles.

Over two days, the Smiles team traveled across Delhi, doing extremely ordinary things we otherwise wouldn’t. We collected these smiles over three months.-

sleep like lion cub



This cub has the right idea. He just let his whole body relax and melted into a blissful zone. Sleep came easy after chasing his brothers and sisters around all day.

You can relax in the zone of peace and calmness now.  You and your friends or family can unwind together or simply give yourself a boost to deep sleep without drugs by playing this while you fall asleep.

Good to use this when you want to unwind or if you are looking for inspiration.  Let me know how you are using this beautiful video.

Enjoy your travels on Relaxation Island

Thanks  Sleep Ezy Tonight and

Picture image thanks

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