Secret 2: “Avoid being a multitasking Deva”

Blocks scattered Shows Action And SolutionsAre you a multitasking deva (“devo”)?

Do you feel so tired even after a good night’s sleep?

When you try to meet the deadlines for your to do list, do you feel your focus has been scattered in the wind?


If you answered “Yes” to the questions above then you are a multitasking deva (“devo”)

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Click here. Join me on Saturday January 18, 2014  10 AM MST     plus replay

“Step out of Pain into Success” Mary Wolken PhD. For a complimentary online  inter-active seminar.

Mary Wolken PhD.  Director of “Step out of Pain into Success”

I help those spinning their wheels in pain and frustration; hit the re-set button so they refocus, renew and drive to their next big wins. it happens fast – in 20-90 minutes using the A.R.R.R.M. proprietary system.

Mary Wolken

About mwolken

Mary Wolken, PhD. is the Director of the Healthy Living Center and is the inspiration behind Wolken Pain Relief System. Mary quickly helps you release pain and stress patterns without drugs. She was the first complementary medicine therapist on the Brain and Spinal Cord School Assessment Team for Southern, AZ USA as a rehabilitation provider. 

Mary Wolken is a highly accurate intuitive, motivational speaker and therapist. As an educator , neuro-emotional kinesiologist, homeopath, and cell researcher.
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