Coming back from tragedy to triumph

Martyn Ashton – Back On Track


After sustaining a life changing injury in 2013, Martyn Ashton, mountain bike and Road Bike Party legend, is Back On Track.

Congratulations Martyn and his family!  Overcoming the shock, pain and trauma is not easy, but you can do it. How -“Just do it!” Ask Martyn who in May 2015 with the help of his friends and great care as he recovered from the spinal cord injury that would stop most. Check out this video-Ride On and may you have a swift and complete recovery.

Martyn Ashton, international mountain bike trials legend, ex-World Champion and star of the Road Bike Party YouTube sensation, was injured during a trials demo held on Sunday September 1, 2013 at Silverstone’s Moto GP, England. During one of the stunts on the Animal WD40 Action Sports Tour, Martyn fell backwards off of a 10-foot high
bar and hit the ground with enough force to dislocate the t9 and T10 vertebrae in his spine. His injury is being characterized as “severe”.

If you want some helping in getting your mojo back and getting rid of the physical and emotional pain, Mary Wolken. PhD can help.

   You too can Do It!

Here is Martyn recovery and first return trip on his modified bike.

Thanks to  GMBN: and

How a whale says thanks

Thank you

Only two words, but when expressed from the heart carry such light and heart thanks you

The whale helped by the researchers and family will be forever effected by their generous deed. Those that watch the video also gratefully shared this gift from the heart of life itself.

Thank you  for sharing your special time with us all.

Today,thank someone who gave so unselfishly and lovingly to you.

Change our world one heart centered thank you  at a time. MWolken 2015



Imagine – will you join us?

Let us try an experiment that last 1 month

then invite someone to repeat it with you.



Let’s Imagine  each one of us can change the world one vision at a time.

Every day each of us will do and imagine others doing 1 small things and feeling to help each other and all of life.

What will you focus on ?

Please report back after 1 month and let us know of the shifts you have noticed please.

Thank you from Mother Earth and all creatures big and small.

Thanks to and John Lennon

Inspiration to triumph

“The best will come to those who persist in following their heart’s calling.”   -Mary Wolken 2015

From a very young age, we have had glimpses of things and experiences that inspire us to wonder,

but few have known how to connect the dots from our wonder to  life of happiness, service and success.

Want to live your dreams? Fill out the form to your right today.

Thanks to  Dr. Fábio Augusto and for this video.

Smile time on R I

I love dogs and their antics . The love they share so freely with us is unconditional.

They are here to help and help us smile through the stressful times.


When we smile our brain releases endorphins -feel good hormones.  Endorphins are the body’s way to get a natural high and relax.

So take a few minutes today to share a smile from Relaxation Island© with yourself and maybe with someone you don’t even know. You can even send a smile to someone far away by simply visualize them and send them a smile and hug.

Thank you for helping create more smiles between people on our earth.



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