Do it better-without words?

Join Mary for “Communication –  beyond words”
Wednesday March 18, 2015  free class
Mary Wolken PhD
Time: 5 to 7 PM  PST

To successfully navigate the challenges of communicating with others compassionately, we need to become better and better at being comfortable with oue own internal communicator.

This is for you if you are a human, a doctor, mom, Indian chief, teacher, therapist, grandma or policeman if you want to:

glad to know you better read the signs of potential trouble before crisis happens.
understanding what to do
act vs react in a challenge
move forward calmly and confidently

       Don’t turn your heart away from this opportunity to become the best.


Mary Wolken PhD, a communication specialist for 45 years will enhance your ability to listen and respond in an effective way and understand the inner dialogue people only hint at with their words.

On Weds. March 18, 2015 at 5 to 7 PM PST

In “Communication beyond words” we will explore:

Getting clear on words and behaviors
Deepening your inner and outer senses of communication
    Reframing “the stories we live”
Pain – a blessing or curse?
Challenges – intervention and light energy

This seminar is my gift to bettering the planet – one better communicator at a time.  – Mary Wolken

Sign up click here

Traveling on theta waves on Relaxation Island©

What a beautiful way to unwind. Simply close your eyes and listen to the waves – theta wave that is in the music by Steven Halpern.


Our brain wave frequency occurs at four levels for different brain activities: alpha, beta. theta and delta waves are considered to be the frequency we use when we are awake and working.

Theta Brain Waves (TBW) are slower frequency of brain waves. They typically cycle at a rate of 4-7 times per second (4 Hz – 7 Hz). TBW has long been associated with early stages of sleep and the process of dreaming. Theta Waves have been associated with states of enhanced creativity, “Super Learning,” deeper relaxation, day-dreaming, spiritual experience, healing, and sleep-dream activity.
or taking a “trip on Relaxation Island©“.



The more times you go traveling the better you will become on using the theta state for you enjoyment, creative pleasure and to help yourself and others find inner success and relaxation.
steven halpern music+youtube


Experience the hidden chapel of Ra Paulette


Take a few moments to breathe in the love and peace this  dedicated inspired artist infused into this under ground desert oasis for all of humanity to travel to today on Relaxation Island journeys.

This carved sandstone cave located near Espanola, New Mexico,

known as “The Tree Cave” of Ra Paulette should become part of a national protected area.

under ground chapel new mexico

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