Really? Smiling does this?

“Smile and the world smiles with you. Cry and you cry alone.” – Stanley Gordon West A real genuine smile spreads endorphins by releasing the body’s feel good hormones, endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good, because it engages our heart, mind and the body’s facial muscles. A Real Smile encourages cooperation and comradery. […]

Beyond words – unspoken communication

Join Mary for “Communication beyond words” Wednesday March 18, 2015  free class Mary Wolken PhD Time: 5 to 7 PM  PST To successfully navigate the challenges of communicating with others compassionately, we need to become better and better at being comfortable in our own internal boat. Be able to:  read the signs of potential trouble before crisis happens. understanding what […]

Relaxed communications

Creating quality human interactions     Wednesday. March 18, 2015  at 5 PM PST Communicating and truly understanding peoples’ wants and needs is the goal of every loving heart centered person. There is no higher goal in meeting with someone then to truly hear beyond their words to understand who they are and how support them as they create change. See […]

Glad to know more about you

Let’s get better acquainted Reminder this is the weekend to tell us something  about you: What your passionate about? Something you’ve learned along the way that might help other practitioners. A specific technique you want them to be able to know more about, How to develop a quality relationship with clients and other practitioners How you establish good communications with […]

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