Happy face addition?

Be real with how you feel with how you feel.                                                            8650613_xl

Putting on a happy face may be the worst thing

you can do for your physical and emotional health.

Researchers from the  University of Sydney Business School Anya Johnson and Helena Nguyen found “workers who suppress their emotions are taking an extra six to eight days off work a year. They are also more likely to suffer post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental illnesses.” 1
When we force that smiley face, what we are doing is telling our heart that guides our emotional well being to be quiet-your input does not count.  Over time this becomes a habit which can create physical and emotional dis-ease.
Where does the body store these swallowed feelings and behaviors usually in those tissues, fascia and organs your family of origin stored it.
When the body and mind become exhausted this is usually a sign from our heart to take better care of yourself.  If left unattended and nurtured, the emotions get more extreme, pain and exhaustion increase, the mind and body get sluggish.

Take time for a breathing break or come visit “Pain Away Island ” for some suggestions on how to unwind the pain and pent up emotions.  You do not have to suffer from the “Smiley Face” addiction any more.

Thanks to 1. theage.com.au
-MWolken 2015
Color of your being?

What does your choice of colors say about you now?

How To Pick Your Perfect Colors

This is actually pretty amazing! try it for yourself..

Color Oracle: take the test.  When finished with the test Check out which color above is most soothing to you and practice surrounding yourself with the color to relax you and decrease any discomfort.

Developed by Swiss astrologer and artist Johannes Schneider, this color test helps you realize that your color selection, is influenced by your internal state of being. If  you don’t like the results, you can change them by shifting your emotional stress levels.

Thanks to the Color Oracle for this helpful tool. Click here to take the test and come back to continue your practice at resetting your pain and stress.  Research shows that color effect peoples’ physical and emotional state of being.

Thanks to sketchup.com for the color palette image

How a whale says thanks

Thank you

Only two words, but when expressed from the heart carry such light and power.my heart thanks you

The whale helped by the researchers and family will be forever effected by their generous deed. Those that watch the video also gratefully shared this gift from the heart of life itself.

Thank you  for sharing your special time with us all.

Today,thank someone who gave so unselfishly and lovingly to you.

Change our world one heart centered thank you  at a time. MWolken 2015



Heart Light© glow

The home of inspiration and light  


Imaginal cell lie dormant inside a caterpillar’s body, becoming activated within the chrysalis to allow a butterfly to ultimately emerge. Like seeds of pure potential encoded into the caterpillar’s DNA, imaginal cells are the ingredients of metamorphosis. When the caterpillar emerges it carries nothing of its caterpillar DNA with it.

Where are the imaginal cells in humans?

The seat of our imaginal cells the heart of our ultimate gifts and potential lies in our heart.

Our Heart Light© is centered in our heart and every time we “lighten up” by hugging, helping with love , doing breathing exercises, smiling or being grateful for the sunset we lose a little pressure and constriction and let the light flow through us. You control your metamorphosis. Let your light glow.



Click for more information on how to let your heart grow and glow.

The best wishes

Sometimes a song can express the heart’s wisdom for a love and caring for each other.m Let is relax your energy and inspire you to lend a helping hand.

Thanks YourTube.com and Rascal Flatts

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