Relax! Your stress away!
Relax and reduce anxiety and improve mental energy

Low energy?

Old trauma or abuse?

Anxiety or not feeling worthy?

Your ability to regulate the body’s energy, learn and retain information and be happy is dependent solving the lingering effects of traumatic experiences.

This process is known as post-traumatic growth, and it can involve increased resilience, stronger relationships, a greater appreciation for life, increased intuitive understanding and a deeper meaning to life.

The effects of trauma can vary greatly from person to person.There are key parts of the brain and nervous system that need to be reactivated and conditioned to discover better ways to respond in stressful situations besides the average emotional fight, hide or flight response.

Every day do something special just for you. 

We’re on a mission to help the planet unwind a bit.

One person and family at a time.                              

Please sign in below if you would like to join in to relax and improve the planet.

Exercises will be send daily to your email or you can find them in the members area of our website.

http://your wordpress url/wp-register.php.




So tired all the time – want relief?
Why am I so tired now?
Covid lockdown seems to be lessening.
People are attempting to mingle in groups again.
our normal thinking brain is still slower than it was before Covid.
The brain works best when it has:
 1. Quality food
 2.  2-4 quarts of purified water,
 3. A calm, happy environment to live and thrive in,
  4. lots of movement and exercise
 5. loving energy interactions
During a crisis…
Hormones shift to crise mode, muscles in gut and brain tighten,  and emotionally one’s nervous system retreats into crisis or survival mode.
What does this mean to be In crisis mode?

**our energy gets redirected to fight or flight mode so there isn’t enough to do all “normal” activities8

***we feel drained, anxious

**on high alert or not quite “with it”

*** eternally sleep deprived..

SO…..  Are you tired of being somewhat less than your best?
What can you do about it?
Let’s do this together. You can begin today at your convenience. Are you in? Click to begin
Feel the magic of the Dolphin Energy

Do you need a time out?

Take a few minutes today with a dolphin and a dog.

Before watching this video write down how you are feeling (tired, uneasy, in pain…)

Rate how strong the feel is  on scale of 1 to 10 . (10  being the worst)

 Now check out the video.

After the video write down how you are feeling and rate it again.  If there is now change, please be in touch with me.

Ways to use this video:

  1. You can use this to change your energy

       2. To calm and inspire positive action in group, office and the family.

Thanks to for this remarkable video.

Uptown funk for your health

Old movies got the funk.

66 (Old) Movie Dance Scenes Mashup (Mark Ronson-Uptown Funk ft.Bruno Mars)

The Funk can ease your worries.

Try it you’ll like it! 

If you can’t get up and about just do it in bed or at your desk and feel the change.

Try some of these moves to increase your energy and lighten the anxiety and pressure of life.


Michael Binder saw the mega viral hit that featured a bunch of dance scenes from popular movies matched up to the incredibly popular song, “Uptown Funk,” he was instantly inspired to do a similar mashup, only he wanted to use dance scenes from movies that only came out of the Golden Age of cinema.

Thanks to YouTube and  Nerd Fest UK



Pain -cost of hiding love

The more we hide behind our doubts and fears

the more physical and emotional pain and tiredness increases.unzip heart


Unlock the beauty that is you.  You will be amazes how much less anxiety and pain you will have.

Speak lovingly from your heart and your world will change. Pain is the cost of not letting your heart lead. Want to learn how to stop the pain ?

Leave a comment or share how you overcame the pain of not sharing your real feelings.  Thanks.



Thanks to  Comunidade-Flores-Passaros  and and Tammy Wynette “no charge”

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