Using photon light to heal
Brain Training- a new way to learn


Gift that keeps on giving                                                                     

  • The new You

    Using photon light to heal

  • Finding You can be fun

  • Learn how you release your hidden clitches that slow your progress :

  • Stress can be relieved by relaxing

  • Pain can be decreased instantly if you learn how

  • Learn how to regulate your breathing and heart rate,

  • Help reset your sleep and self confidence with your mind’s energy

All these changes and much more can be your new skills in 2024.


Set up 1/2 hour time to learn how easy it is.



Helping you help others

Simplify  Simplify

Kids having fun

The best way to overload the brain….

***Try to do too much at one time.***


As adults who once were children, we found out the hard way.

Remember those days when you would come home from school?

You knew you had a list of things “that must be done,” and all you wanted was to  BE FREE  to play. 

How did you feel?    Happy?   NO!

Clear-headed and energized? NO

Teachers and parents  of children with challenges, please allow children to play/ exercise  between classes, after school  and and after dinner before homework.

Give everyone time to play and have fun including yourself.

Walking, exercising playing on the trampoline, yoga stretches , dancing to music or simply running around outside helps the brain and body calm down and oxygenate the body and mind.

Then you and the children can get back to homework, cooking, art or other creative activities with energy and happiness.

Let’s explore how you can get tmore energy easily and feeling more relaxed and fulfilled than ever before.

Call now




Improve your Brain + Decrease Pain

Learn to improve your brain and decrease pain

Be Free -Rebecca Bell Massoud‎DARE TO SHINE! Free Presentation for Women Entrepreneurs12985612_10154022334854019_1228357111976261317_n

Click to join Beyond Pain- Mastering Energy 1 webinar

Your brain is the seat of pain management and learning.

Your body is the library that stores are how we emotionally react in a crisis.

Beginning Jan. 10. 2017 at 5:30 PM PST. Mary Wolken coach and stress relief specialist will introduce you to the secrets of the:

Wolken Pain Relief System.

It can help you:

to respond calmly and quickly in a crisis situation
• Improve effective communication skills?
• Speed recovery time

 Beyond Pain- Mastering Energy 1 webinar

just start

Just go for it

thanks to Reak Shahter for the image
thanks to Reak Shahter for the image

Don’t let pain slow you.

Don’t let anyone turn you around.

Even if you never never saw anyone do it before.

Follow your heart’s dream -go for it!


Take the first step.

Write it down as a goal.

Spend 10 minutes a day learning about it.

Follow your heart’s dream.

Does it scare you ? Even more reason to do it.

Begin today.

Remember,  you will have all the strength and help you need.

You are Born To Win this race. so go ahead and Begin The Win.

Be Grateful and go for it today!

-MWolken copyright 2016


Feel the magic of the Dolphin Energy

Do you need a time out?

Take a few minutes today with a dolphin and a dog.

Before watching this video write down how you are feeling (tired, uneasy, in pain…)

Rate how strong the feel is  on scale of 1 to 10 . (10  being the worst)

 Now check out the video.

After the video write down how you are feeling and rate it again.  If there is now change, please be in touch with me.

Ways to use this video:

  1. You can use this to change your energy

       2. To calm and inspire positive action in group, office and the family.

Thanks to for this remarkable video.

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