Really? Smiling does this?
“Smile and the world smiles with you. Cry and you cry alone.” – Stanley Gordon West
A real genuine smile spreads endorphins by releasing the body’s feel good hormones, endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good, because it engages our heart, mind and the body’s facial muscles.
A Real Smile encourages cooperation and comradery.
A real smile, a Duchenne smile, encourages others to help each other and unwinds overwhelm and builds confidence and feeling good.
Thanks for smiling with us on Relaxation Island today. Keep smiling.
Thanks to the Smiles Project for their work and

The Smiles Project is a community initiative dedicated to doing random acts of kindness to spread smiles.

Over two days, the Smiles team traveled across Delhi, doing extremely ordinary things we otherwise wouldn’t. We collected these smiles over three months.-