Create happier healthier life one step at a time
Ways to pull ourselves up together to create a better safer, kinder life in spite of Covid …
Relax to love & heal
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Ways to pull ourselves up together to create a better safer, kinder life in spite of Covid …
Re-establishing harmony in your nervous system and emotional being after a traumatic injury or abuse.
**our energy gets redirected to fight or flight mode so there isn’t enough to do all “normal” activities8
***we feel drained, anxious
**on high alert or not quite “with it”
*** eternally sleep deprived..
Ancient crises can affect your health and happiness today. The body hangs on to those old “blows” and stores the effects in our body systems. How can we relieve the ancient stresses and be happy and healthy in the present?
Lose the holiday overload and bluesMy gift to you those that care for others Reset the holiday stress. Ready to finally gently unwind some of the overload you are carrying. This is my gift to you. For more information or to be the first to create a joy-filled holiday …