Smiling warms your heart and lets you relax and strengthen your internal GPS. This video is guaranteed to lighten and brighten your day. Please share it to encourage more warm fuzzy feelings. Video courtesy of Smiles courtesy of Relaxation Island tours.
All posts tagged Relax & focus
Ride Relaxation Island
It’s time for a ride around Relaxation Island! Enjoy! Hydrate before you take a ride. Imagine yourself riding this bike safely for the fun and peace of being in this beautiful world! Let me know how your ride was. Image and video courtesy of Outside:
Simply – roll your shoulders
Conscious Freedom Let’s begin with the shoulders. Let the shoulders drop into a comfortable position. Be aware of how you position your shoulders. We tend to roll our shoulders forward when we focus on a cell phone, work at a desk, do crafts, bike ride, eat or are in a state of shock by a…
The Inner Zone
“The greatest obstacles to inner peace are disturbing emotions such as anger, attachment, fear and suspicion, while love and compassion and a sense of universal responsibility are the sources of peace and happiness.” Dalai Lama What is inside with be reflected outside. If your inner frustrations, anger, fear or anxiety are bubbling in the Inner…
How evolved are your brain/innersensory skills ?
Where are your ability to problem solve and live in happiness on the evolutionary scale? Stage 1. Reaction Level 1: For billions of years the basis for brain’s reaction/response system continues to evolve. Even the one -cell animals had a developed ways to react to changes in their environment. Stage 2.Reaction Level 2. Do you…