Decrease bacteria, viruses and fungi with Pure-Light

Shift the health and happiness in a room with a flip of a switch.                                      

Decrease bacteria, viruses, and fungi with Pure-Light 

I am so very impressed with Pure-Light bulbs designed by Rodger Young.

As a therapist and energy medicine specialist, I’ve felt an immediate shift in the energy of the rooms I’ve used these bulbs in. You and those you love and work with deserve all the help they can get to get rid of these devastating cold and flu season. The mood lightens, odors decrease and the air is purifed while you are breathing.

Want to to shorten your cold or flu?jb

The recent bacteriological lab tests for Salmonella, E. coli, and MRSA show an almost complete eliminationn within 72 hours of all three!

This is groundbreaking with huge implications for humanity.   Check out Pure-Light for yourself and family.

Mary Wolken

About mwolken

Mary Wolken, PhD. is the Director of the Healthy Living Center and is the inspiration behind Wolken Pain Relief System. Mary quickly helps you release pain and stress patterns without drugs. She was the first complementary medicine therapist on the Brain and Spinal Cord School Assessment Team for Southern, AZ USA as a rehabilitation provider. 

Mary Wolken is a highly accurate intuitive, motivational speaker and therapist. As an educator , neuro-emotional kinesiologist, homeopath, and cell researcher.
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