Curb cabin fever

Secret 2 to Curbing cabin fever

 Freeing Yourself from pain and stress.

Using pure-light light to decrease pressure on the physical and emotional body stress.

When you are under high-stress levels – feeling locked up, depressed, fearful …pure -light can change the energy of your environment and yourself gently and quickly.  Proven successful at eradicating COVID’s virus cousins, like MERS, SARS, etc. it is a very quick and simple aid to improve your emotional energy and support your body’s natural defense system without pills.

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Mary Wolken

About mwolken

Mary Wolken, PhD. is the Director of the Healthy Living Center and is the inspiration behind Wolken Pain Relief System. Mary quickly helps you release pain and stress patterns without drugs. She was the first complementary medicine therapist on the Brain and Spinal Cord School Assessment Team for Southern, AZ USA as a rehabilitation provider. 

Mary Wolken is a highly accurate intuitive, motivational speaker and therapist. As an educator , neuro-emotional kinesiologist, homeopath, and cell researcher.
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