Decrease the focus on your pain and low energy by doing something natural. These little girls are enjoying each other in the park and have forgotten their troubles. These people from all walks of life from around the world are singing from their hearts and in this moment have put their pain and challenges aside.…
All posts in patience and persistence
Get “the good vibration”
Join us and get a “Good Vibration”. Get your hands and body a moving. Together we’ll create better health and vibration. Thanks Youtube and Playing for Change/ Armazem Paraty If this post has made you smile or moved you, please share.
Inspiration to triumph
“The best will come to those who persist in following their heart’s calling.” -Mary Wolken 2015 From a very young age, we have had glimpses of things and experiences that inspire us to wonder, but few have known how to connect the dots from our wonder to life of happiness, service and success. Want to…
Get in swim on Relaxation Island?
Swimming Stretching Routine for happy bodies on Relaxation Island A swimming stretching routine is a critical part of any swim training program and practicing these stretches on Relaxation Island will help your body and spirit soar whether you are swimming or not. It helps athleticism, increases flexibility and guards against the risk of injury. With…
Loosen up those hips for success
Stretch your hips before hiking around Relaxation Island © or before sports activity, speaking, and teaching teaching : Before you go walking or hiking around Relaxation Island© doing these stretches to relax, create more flexibility and improve range of motion. It will decrease our chance of injury form exercising cold tight muscles in your…