Your feet have sensors. What are these sensors doing? On the bottom of your feet are nerve centers that detect motion, balance, heat and cold and send a pulse up the nervous system to your brain. This system helps keep us balanced, free from pain and safe. These sensors when working, effectively allow us…
All posts in Healthy Communication
Being flexible takes on a whole new dimension
How flexible are you? Rate yourself in flexibility: physically ____ mentally _____ emotionally_____ relationship flexibility _________ Learn to reset your focus or how you are viewing the challenge/pain can gently reset how your brain processes the event. Comments welcome.
Pain -cost of hiding love
The more we hide behind our doubts and fears the more physical and emotional pain and tiredness increases. Unlock the beauty that is you. You will be amazes how much less anxiety and pain you will have. Speak lovingly from your heart and your world will change. Pain is the cost of not letting…
Happy face addition?
Be real with how you feel with how you feel. Putting on a happy face may be the worst thing you can do for your…
Color of your being?
What does your choice of colors say about you now? This is actually pretty amazing! try it for yourself.. Color Oracle: take the test. When finished with the test Check out which color above is most soothing to you and practice surrounding yourself with the color to relax you and decrease any discomfort. Developed by…