Smile time on R I

I love dogs and their antics . The love they share so freely with us is unconditional.

They are here to help and help us smile through the stressful times.


When we smile our brain releases endorphins -feel good hormones.  Endorphins are the body’s way to get a natural high and relax.

So take a few minutes today to share a smile from Relaxation Island© with yourself and maybe with someone you don’t even know. You can even send a smile to someone far away by simply visualize them and send them a smile and hug.

Thank you for helping create more smiles between people on our earth.



Experience the world’s Sunsets from Relaxation Island


Unwind and be grateful for all the beauty around us. Lay back and know that with each quiet deep breath you are experiencing the incredible beauty of the Eternal Artist.

Take life one beautiful moment at a time.

Thanks to and Zofia Kucharska

Mediterranean music

Today on Relaxation Island©

Come enjoy a relaxing trip to the sunny Mediterranean islands.

Take time to unwind and refocus before starting a new project or taking a test.

It can increase performance, creativity and peace of mind.

Music courtesy of and Meditation Relax Club


Do not play this while driving or operating equipment or vehicles.

Traveling on theta waves on Relaxation Island©

What a beautiful way to unwind. Simply close your eyes and listen to the waves – theta wave that is in the music by Steven Halpern.


Our brain wave frequency occurs at four levels for different brain activities: alpha, beta. theta and delta waves are considered to be the frequency we use when we are awake and working.

Theta Brain Waves (TBW) are slower frequency of brain waves. They typically cycle at a rate of 4-7 times per second (4 Hz – 7 Hz). TBW has long been associated with early stages of sleep and the process of dreaming. Theta Waves have been associated with states of enhanced creativity, “Super Learning,” deeper relaxation, day-dreaming, spiritual experience, healing, and sleep-dream activity.
or taking a “trip on Relaxation Island©“.



The more times you go traveling the better you will become on using the theta state for you enjoyment, creative pleasure and to help yourself and others find inner success and relaxation.
steven halpern music+youtube


Experience the hidden chapel of Ra Paulette


Take a few moments to breathe in the love and peace this  dedicated inspired artist infused into this under ground desert oasis for all of humanity to travel to today on Relaxation Island journeys.

This carved sandstone cave located near Espanola, New Mexico,

known as “The Tree Cave” of Ra Paulette should become part of a national protected area.

under ground chapel new mexico

Image courtesy of