Color of your being?

What does your choice of colors say about you now?

How To Pick Your Perfect Colors

This is actually pretty amazing! try it for yourself..

Color Oracle: take the test.  When finished with the test Check out which color above is most soothing to you and practice surrounding yourself with the color to relax you and decrease any discomfort.

Developed by Swiss astrologer and artist Johannes Schneider, this color test helps you realize that your color selection, is influenced by your internal state of being. If  you don’t like the results, you can change them by shifting your emotional stress levels.

Thanks to the Color Oracle for this helpful tool. Click here to take the test and come back to continue your practice at resetting your pain and stress.  Research shows that color effect peoples’ physical and emotional state of being.

Thanks to for the color palette image

Fascia – role in pain relief

Fascia -key to pain relief         

Probably the least understood part of the body, fascia are found in fluid bands or sheets of connective tissue fibers, that forms beneath the skin to attach, stabilize, enclose, communicate pain signals and separate muscles and other internal organs.

Made of flexible collagen structures, fascia are capable of resisting great unidirectional tension forces until the wavy pattern of fibers that straighten with a pulling force or becoming more gel like when relaxed. (Fascia are the pink colored fibers seen in the image above.)

Emerging science and client experience suggests that fascia play a very dynamic role in the cycle of injury   –  pain relief  and recovery cycle.

Networked with memory, autonomic nervous system, brain hormones, vascular cells and musculo-skeletal systems,  different layers of fascia seem to need different techniques to activate pain relief and release physical and emotional stress from different layers of fascia. – Mary Wolken PhD 2015

Image courtesy of

When You’ve gone too far

When you have gone too far.  How does your  body let you know?

Follow the warning signs

Monitoring stress
Monitoring stress

Physical Signs & Symptoms of over doing/exercise:
Elevated resting pulse / heart rate
Frequent minor infections, colds and flu’s
Increases in minor injuries
Chronic muscle soreness or joint pain

Pain that travels around the body

Inability to relax and sleep deeply
Weight loss or gain
Appetite loss or increase
Insatiable thirst or dehydration
Intolerance to exercise
Decreased performance or obsessive performance
Delayed recovery from exercise or illness

Slow thinking or comprehension

Reduce Psychological Signs & Symptoms to make it to the finish line:

Intolerance for people or situations out of your comfort zone
Fatigued, tired, drained, lack of energy                                                                                Winner Of Race 3d Character Shows Victory

Reduced ability to concentrate

Decreased or no motivation

Irritability, wired, overwhelmed

Anxiety, depression,

Headaches, stiffness


Inability to relax or think clearly and calmly

Twitchy, fidgety or jittery

A free guide of avoid over doing it



“What does fascia have to do with pain?”

Would you like to get a notice when this article is published?  Click here

Mary Wolken PhD can help you to reduce the overload and pain naturally and quickly.




Create with colors to feel good

Here is a quick little experiment to feel good.

Change your pain and stress. Have fun while you do it.

1. Watch the video.

2. Collect shiny cloth to practice on.

3. Have your permanent Sharpie markers with wide chisel tips handy.

4. Rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle

5. Work over a bucket or on a table covered in plastic or with butcher paper.

Please send us pictures or video of your results.  Comments welcome.   Thanks!

Thanks to and designoriginals123