Pain Away – Light support

light in heart Noorahmad Shirzad‎Best sayings ( Rumi or other philosophers )11659341_909629045766894_3480686879529234829_n-1

Take a few moments to simply

breathe in the Light. Breathe out the pain.

(You might try this early in the morning or at night. Just see if the light feels different moving through your body.)

  • Breathe in and out through your nose.  As you breathe deeply feel  your belly filling with light.
  • Feel your your heart and then your body full of that Light.
  • Then  slowly exhale through your nose and feeling all discomfort, pain, burdens or stress leaving on the Light .  Repeat several times.
  • Feel your gratitude and peace deepen.

If you can not go outside to do this exercise, you can simply do the exercise in fornt of this picture or other favorite image of the Light.


Do you want to learn more about how to release pain and stress

using the Light from the universe.

Click to learn more

Thanks to and Nooramad Shirzad “Best saying of Rumi or other philosophers  for image.

Secrets of pain free walking ?

Want to know the secrets to pain free walking ?

Remember: Part of this readiness includes good hydration, proper protection and correct clothing for the activity.

There are secrets to keeping your body happy about walking and exercise.  It is called warming up and cooling down those body tissues.

Warming up fascia, muscles, ligaments, tendons and our entire brain and nervous system. Waking up each these structures before exercise sets the body and focuses the brain and emotional systems for healthy results.

For a complete guide to stretching for pain free walking and all sports click

Coming back from tragedy to triumph

Martyn Ashton – Back On Track


After sustaining a life changing injury in 2013, Martyn Ashton, mountain bike and Road Bike Party legend, is Back On Track.

Congratulations Martyn and his family!  Overcoming the shock, pain and trauma is not easy, but you can do it. How -“Just do it!” Ask Martyn who in May 2015 with the help of his friends and great care as he recovered from the spinal cord injury that would stop most. Check out this video-Ride On and may you have a swift and complete recovery.

Martyn Ashton, international mountain bike trials legend, ex-World Champion and star of the Road Bike Party YouTube sensation, was injured during a trials demo held on Sunday September 1, 2013 at Silverstone’s Moto GP, England. During one of the stunts on the Animal WD40 Action Sports Tour, Martyn fell backwards off of a 10-foot high
bar and hit the ground with enough force to dislocate the t9 and T10 vertebrae in his spine. His injury is being characterized as “severe”.

If you want some helping in getting your mojo back and getting rid of the physical and emotional pain, Mary Wolken. PhD can help.

   You too can Do It!

Here is Martyn recovery and first return trip on his modified bike.

Thanks to  GMBN: and

Happy face addition?

Be real with how you feel with how you feel.                                                            8650613_xl

Putting on a happy face may be the worst thing

you can do for your physical and emotional health.

Researchers from the  University of Sydney Business School Anya Johnson and Helena Nguyen found “workers who suppress their emotions are taking an extra six to eight days off work a year. They are also more likely to suffer post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental illnesses.” 1
When we force that smiley face, what we are doing is telling our heart that guides our emotional well being to be quiet-your input does not count.  Over time this becomes a habit which can create physical and emotional dis-ease.
Where does the body store these swallowed feelings and behaviors usually in those tissues, fascia and organs your family of origin stored it.
When the body and mind become exhausted this is usually a sign from our heart to take better care of yourself.  If left unattended and nurtured, the emotions get more extreme, pain and exhaustion increase, the mind and body get sluggish.

Take time for a breathing break or come visit “Pain Away Island ” for some suggestions on how to unwind the pain and pent up emotions.  You do not have to suffer from the “Smiley Face” addiction any more.

Thanks to 1.
-MWolken 2015