How a whale says thanks

Thank you

Only two words, but when expressed from the heart carry such light and heart thanks you

The whale helped by the researchers and family will be forever effected by their generous deed. Those that watch the video also gratefully shared this gift from the heart of life itself.

Thank you  for sharing your special time with us all.

Today,thank someone who gave so unselfishly and lovingly to you.

Change our world one heart centered thank you  at a time. MWolken 2015



Heart Light© glow

The home of inspiration and light  


Imaginal cell lie dormant inside a caterpillar’s body, becoming activated within the chrysalis to allow a butterfly to ultimately emerge. Like seeds of pure potential encoded into the caterpillar’s DNA, imaginal cells are the ingredients of metamorphosis. When the caterpillar emerges it carries nothing of its caterpillar DNA with it.

Where are the imaginal cells in humans?

The seat of our imaginal cells the heart of our ultimate gifts and potential lies in our heart.

Our Heart Light© is centered in our heart and every time we “lighten up” by hugging, helping with love , doing breathing exercises, smiling or being grateful for the sunset we lose a little pressure and constriction and let the light flow through us. You control your metamorphosis. Let your light glow.



Click for more information on how to let your heart grow and glow.

Yummy healthy Summersicles

thug kitchen healthy dreamsicles11118498_864268480305319_5272145293880790609_oDelicious good for you summer cool treats.

Better than waiting on the ice cream truck to start making the rounds.Better than processed frozen junk from the store.  help you Keep cool and healthy.




Makes about 3 1/2 cups of filling to fill up your molds

2 ½ cups non-dairy yogurt (we used coconut)
¼ cup orange juice
½ teaspoon vanilla extract*

Strawberry Layer:
¾ cup prepared yogurt mix
¾ cup chopped strawberries, fresh or frozen
2 tablespoons orange juice

Blueberry Layer:
¾ cup prepared yogurt mix
¾ cup blueberries, fresh or frozen
2 tablespoons orange juice

Thanks Thug Kitchen

You’re built like a superhero

spidermanLittle do you realize that each of us is constructed with a suit of interwoven fibers that makes us potential Super Heroes. If you look closely at Spiderman’s red body covering you will see the first layer of networking black lines. These protect and give Spiderman his super powers.

What is I told you that we all have this power grid structure? Yes, it is true .


In living animals, humans included,  we call this networking structure that is under our skin and surrounds every organ fascia.  It is the most under studied part of us.  From my experience it houses the most potential solutions for memory of our traumatic experiences and must function well if we want health and happiness.

Joint health, injury-free sports, organ health and fluid movement

The proper functioning of the fascia is necessary for joints of the spine, hips, knees, ankles and ribs to  absorb impact and distribute the strain throughout the body. Proper exercise should follow the lines of fascial pull to distribute the impact. When you’re tight and restricted, the fascia gets sluggish and doesn’t glide smoothly over the muscles and bones. In order for your body to work like a well-oiled machine, you must focus on the fascia. Fitness ability is dependent on healthy fascia.

Today a new integrated approach to releasing the residuals effects of old injury and pain is focusing on fascia calming and relaxing to remove the pent up tension, overload and stress. Once released the body is able to work move smoothly and the old pain and trauma memories give way naturally to memory and behavior improvement and improved sleep and well-being even weight loss.  If you would like to know if this approach would improve your health, fitness and success click here.





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