“And then there was Light- solid light”

Solid light

“Oscillations of photons create an image of frozen {crystalline) light. At first, photons in the experiment flow easily between two superconducting sites, producing the large waves shown at left. After a time, the scientists cause the light to “freeze,” trapping the photons in place. Fast oscillations on the right of the image are evidence of the new trapped behavior…

“Weare interested in exploring – and ultimately controlling and directing – the flow of energy at the atomic level,” said HakanTüreci, an assistant professor of electrical engineering and a member of the research team.”Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2014-09-solid-previously-unsolvable-problems.html#jCp

Credit: Princeton University

Turning light into crystal energy and crystal into moving energy is the force behind the Spirit of the Universe and the soul,

How that energy that is the Soul becomes flesh and the following challenges and energetic solutions this being finds to become a peaceful, successful human are the musings behind this post.

So we have a three part system to become a human “Being”. So let us follow the Soul that spark of Universal Light and Love as it becomes flesh. So the Soul comes to mix with the Light/Love fields of the parents. The Soul becomes flavored with certain ways of reacting and more important comfort with Being directed and responsive to this inner flow and warmth from the photon light. The comfort comes to be surrounded by the heart tissues.  The HeartMath research has recently proven the heart receives the first input of information of a change in person or situation impinging on it. The heart then sends the message to the brain.

So the brain then reacts to the message from the heart. Its reactions some instinctual, some trained dictate how we will behave in any given situation. The more extreme the reaction the more constricted was the message from the heart to the brain. The more chaotic, the less loving and peaceful the response. When the heart’s environment is delivering inharmonious signals growth, support and peaceful supportive communication and  growth is not possible.

We can redirect energy to support growth.

Comments welcome.


Mary Wolken, PhD “Solutions at the Speed of Light”

I’m going are you?


“Solutions at the Speed of Light”

Claim your super hero powers
Claim your super hero powers

In this hands on, experiential webinar you’ll discover:

  • how to reduce your tiredness, overwhelm and emotional stress at work with the revolutionary speed of light process.

  • the simple secret to improving your emotional IQ.

  • the key to linking your intuition and your heart for strong healthy happy successful Super Hero life.

Best of all, you’ll be able to use what you’ve learned immediately, This is true formula for identifying the root causes of your problems and resetting them for success.

Click here

I’m personally honored and my heart is ready to share this content with you — it’s going to help you solve the “how do I get through this pain and confusion now” problem forever!

I’m personally honored and my heart is ready to share this content with you — it’s going to help you solve the “how do I get through this pain and confusion now” problem forever!

Remember, it’s absolutely FREE to join me, and access the training from anywhere, via your phone or computer.

Dates:  Weds. September 10 at 5 – 6 PM PST
Weds. September 30 at 5 – 6 PM PST

Welcome to "Solutions at the Speed of Light"
Welcome to
“Solutions at the Speed of Light”

Encore  Wednesday October 1 at 10 AM PST
Presenter: Mary Wolken PhD.

Mary has worked in the healing fields since she was 7 years old when her mom taught her how to intervene in a medical emergency. She has worked the natural wellness, cell research and as a therapist for 44 years. The techniques she shares with you she has honed by working on hundreds of clients and family over the years.

 Click here

Glad to know more about you

Let’s get better acquainted

Reminder this is the weekend to tell us something  about you:

glad to know you betterWhat your passionate about?

Something you’ve learned along the way that might help other practitioners.

A specific technique you want them to be able to know more about,

How to develop a quality relationship with clients and other practitioners

How you establish good communications with your clients and build the relationship.

What’s one thing you would like to share with all of us?

I’ll start I love bees and hummingbirds. I know that to save these wonder-filled beings we have to clean up our internal and external pollution. The world and the die off of so many species including man is due to our lack of clarity and heart centered living. My hugs of gratitude to you all for the dedicated work you do. Thank you. Blessings Mary

“Over achievers’ chaos syndrome”

Do you find you are trying to juggle so so many thingsbusiness man hands show internet concept

many things are getting done poorly or not up to your usually high standard?

opportunities to connect in a meaningful way slipping through your fingers?


You may be suffering from the over achievers chaos syndrome approach to life.

Symptoms include, but are not limited to:

Working on many projects simultaneously

Working on projects at all hours of the day or night

No time to play

Confusing and irritability

Brain fog

You don’t need to take a pill -that will only make the problem worse.

Hint:  Focus on the task at hand for 20 minutes and then change tasks.

Recognizing the chaotic, fractal nature of our world, can give us insight, power, and wisdom. Living from this new perspective even chaotic circumstances will increase the internal and external interconnectedness and calmness. With practice, you will be able to avoid reacting and respond in a conscious heart centered manner. Want to learn how to do this advanced Super Hero move?

A s [contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form] solution to the chaos is at hand.