What allows your beauty to transpire?

Just take a minute and  look at the beauty that was hidden within this leaf!

You would never have seen it, if this leaf wasn’t under stress/pressure to move this water.

leaf essenceThese beads of water that look s beautiful around the leaf’s edge can come out at night, when there is no other way for the water to move to the outer edge of the leaf. It takes especially stressful conditions to allow this event to take place.

When there is a lot moisture building up under ground around the roots, water will enter plant roots. The water will builds up in the plant, causing a slight pressure in the roots. This pressure forces some water out through special openings in the leaf’s  tip or edge openings,  forming drops. This is most noticeable when the normal water flow slows and the relative humidity is high.


So plants aren’t much different then us. Under pressure, when our way seems darkest or blocked (at night) we can show our unique beauty for all to see.

Healthy Super Achievers, we can let the pressure of all these responsibilities shut us down or if we learn how to breathe deeply and stay in the moment maybe, just maybe, we will allow the inner beauty and love to move out under the pressure to create a world beautiful with your transpired flow like the leaf.

Image courtesy of  ScienceAlert

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Image via Green Renaissance.com

Ready to go for it?


Winner Of Race 3d Character Shows VictoryTo be or not to be


  Ready to go for it?



Let go and let your heart do it!



Can we promise each other that beginning now:

Promise me when you are sad, anxious, overloaded, tired

  • You will stop

  • and take a few deep belly breaths.

then write down the changes you notice.

Please send me a note about your wins and changes.    – Thank you!!  1514-decorative-flourish-heart-1013tm-mix


      Home of  Super Achievers  “Ready to go for It?”




Old wounds +perspective = success

Wounds of the Super HeroWhat is a wound?
A wound is an emotional and  or a physical imbalance that can influence how to think, speak and feel – even if we succeed.
How do you know if you are carrying such wounds? There are often physical and emotional clues to their existence.

The most eye-opening experience I’ve ever had to the generation influence for our health and business happened many years ago at a family reunion. I observed three generations on my Mom’s side of the family through a homeopathic perspective. As a homeopath I’ve been trained to seek out roots of physical and emotional imbalances by observing how people think, act and at what age dis-eases fully manifested. My family showed me how different health and emotional challenges came into play in my family. Our attitudes and traumas and environment, also  affect our health and success.

My own success and how I grow or struggle  both personally and health wise are an influence, but not the determining factor of my happiness and my impact on the world.  It is important to know your roots so you can grow up an aware, confident, leading with your heart’s light not your emotional/physical wound heritage.

Suggestion: Use your Conscious breathing is relieve the pressures from the past.







Ready to Upgrade Your skills to Super Hero level?

I know the story of the overachiever …so much to do and there is never enough time……. for me to run, relax, sleep, read a good book. Is this you?

Using the  easy B.A.R method to upgrade your skill level you can:         Upgrade Button Showing Software Updates To Fix Applications

*decrease exhaustion and frustration

*increases problem solving.

* quickly reset your focus and energy

*decrease your emotional overload

Become a Super Hero the planet needs you.

Upgrade here

Mary Wolken, PhD., a recovering Super Achiever, health practitioner who has learned the hard way how to relax, gain  focus and deeper perception for problem solving and speed healing using energy medicines, while recovering from a stress induced hamstring tear. This injury laid the foundation for the structural alignment work and the B.A.R. System, a unique proprietary process to instantly release stress, emotional and physical discomfort.

Do you exist in a hyper-realistic mode or do you live?


Is your image crafted like a hyper-realistic style images or do you take a breath, breathe and enjoy being you? Here’s a help to crafting the real beautiful you.

These images are  full of realism and because they were performed by talented artists. DMB offers a small range which shows you the best in different categories: pencil, painting, portraits, objects, black and white, color …   See…